Dear Colleagues and students,
At HIMSR, it has become a pleasant tradition to welcome new students in their first year. We aim to provide you with the image of what you can expect in the upcoming six years which will be the most crucial investment in your life. To obtain adequate knowledge and skills, you will need higher diligence and work commitment. The success in any field of the human activity is conditioned not only upon the talent but also the moral and volitive qualities of people who realize it. I believe we all have ability to manage our common tasks successfully even under the difficult conditions which await us. We work together as a team to support our medical students to ensure you benefit from the breadth and enthusiasm of the specialist skills available to you and benefitting from a new curriculum and investment in a number of state-of-the-art teaching resources.
HIMSR first opened its doors as a Medical College in 2012, when the founders of the College recognized that the nearly overwhelming health care needs of this population would be met best by training students to become highly competent, compassionate physicians who would deliver care in communities having a shortage of healthcare professionals.
Today, the institute is supported by 740 bedded NABH accredited Hospital and NABL accredited laboratories that provides outstanding healthcare at an affordable cost as it is empanelled under NHCP for Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Matri Jan Yojana . HIMSR ranks 1st among private medical colleges in Delhi and NCR ranked under NIRF. The College offers excellent research and training opportunities, offers 21 post graduate courses ,6 PhD courses along with the MBBS course which started with 100 seats per session.Today the institute is approved by NMC, India for running 150 MBBS seats per session. Our emphasis remains on training individuals to deliver excellent health care services and continued education of postgraduate physicians, other health care providers, and graduate students in the medical sciences.
The mission, goals and objectives, as well as the overall activity of administrators, faculty and staff at HIMSR and HAHC Hospital support a dedicated effort in preparing students for compassionate patient care, excellence in research and scholarship, and socially conscious service.
I hope you have already begun the exciting work of getting to know each other but allow me to spend just a moment introducing you as an incoming class. Among you are teachers, researchers, innovators, and dreamers. You bring an astonishing array of experiences, perspectives, and accomplishments. I urge you to bring your full selves into the classroom and other activities. Bring your ideas, experiences, perspectives, and dreams with you as you engage with each other using a range of tools.
We are selling ourselves short if we only think of HIMSR as just a place , a spot on a map , rather than as a group of dedicated, talented people sharing a mission to improve education .This is the time to think boldly and expansively. Education needs us ,the field needs you.
I want to close by again recognizing this special beginning and new adventure. Welcome to the HIMSR community. Be assured, you belong as part of this community, and I look forward to what we can do to improve education and our world together.
Prof (Dr.) Sunil Kohli