Dr Sana Rehman
MBBS, MD Pharmacology
Assistant professor, Department of Pharmacology
Reg. Number: DMC-57163

Dr. Sana Rehman is Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Pharmacology at HIMSR. She is a medical graduate (MBBS) with a post graduate degree (MD-Pharmacology; Gold Medalist). Dr. Sana has more 05 years of teaching and research experience after her post- graduation, and in this short span of time she has made a significant impact and remarkable progress as a medical teacher and researcher by virtue of her knowledge in the subject and research acumen. She is actively involved in the MBBS, M.Sc, M.D. and Ph.D programs of the department/ institute and has contributed to the development and progress of the same. She has keen interest in biomedical research in basic and clinical pharmacology and, as an investigator, has made important contributions in the various extramurally funded research projects/programs in the department. She has presented her original research in several national and international conferences and her work has been much appreciated by the peers in the field. She has some important publications in peer reviewed and indexed journals and has co-authored 02 chapters in internationally published books (Elsevier and Springer). In addition, she is member of several national and international professional societies in her specialty and has actively contributed to their development.
Area of Interest
- Neurobehavioral Pharmacology
- Respiratory Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Ethnopharmacology
- Clinical Pharmacology and Translational Pharmacology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 05-08-2020 | Till Date | |
Demonstrator | HIMSR, New Delhi | 06-08-2016 | 05-08-2020 | 3 Years 10 Months |
Demonstrator | Muzaffarnagar Medical College & Hospital. | 03-06-2016 | 04-08-2016 | 2 Months |
Resident | Muzaffarnagar Medical College & Hospital. | 31-05-2013 | 30-05-2016 | 3 Years |
Resident | Asian Hospital, Faridabad, /Haryana, Department of CTVS, ICU | 01-08-2012 | 01-05-2013 | 9 Months |
- N H Ali, S Rehman, M Naqvi, M R Reshi, K Gulati, A Ray. Modulation of Immunological, Biochemical, and Histopathological Changes of Airway Remodeling by Withania somnifera in an Experimental Model of Allergic Asthma in Rats. Journal of Pharmacopuncture 2023;26(2):1-9.pISSN: 2093-6966 • eISSN: 2234-6856;
- Ray, A., Gulati, K., Rehman, S. (2023). Translating Nitric Oxide Research to Therapeutics: A Critical Appraisal. In: Ray, A., Gulati, K. (eds) Nitric Oxide: From Research to Therapeutics. Advances in Biochemistry in Health and Disease, vol 22. Springer, Cham. pp.1-13
- N H Ali, S Rehman, M Naqvi, M R Reshi, K Gulati, A Ray. Withania somnifera extract ameliorates airway inflammation and oxidative stress in ovalbumin-induced bronchial asthma in rats. South African Journal of Botany 2023;155:310-317.
- M Naqvi, S Rehman, NH Ali, K Gulati, A Ray. Anti-Inflammatory and Immunomodulatory Effects of Withania Somnifera In. an Experimental Model of Bronchial Asthma in Normal and Stressed Rats. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2022; 12(9); 339-347
- A Yadav, S Rehman, NH Ali, MR Reshi, M Faizan, MI Aam, A Ray. Experimental Studies on the Possible Role of Nitric Oxide Signalling Pathways in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Rats. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2022; 12(10); 01-07.
- Rehman S, Materiovigilance: Its impact on patient’s safety. IP Int J Compr Adv Pharmacol 2022;7(3):110-111
- Rehman S, Ray A, Pandit S, Materiovigilance: Impact of awareness cum sensitization programme on healthcare professionals of a tertiary care teaching hospital in South Delhi. IP Int J Compr Adv Pharmacol 2022;7(3):146-150
- Ray A, Rehman S, Gulati K. The translation of nitric oxide research to therapeutics. In: Nitric Oxide: From Research to Therapeutics; (eds: Arunabha Ray and Kavita Gulati); Springer-Nature, Singapore, 2021 (in press)
- Ray A, Gulati K, Rehman S, Rai N, Anand R. Role of nutraceuticals as adaptogens: an update. In: Gupta-Nutraceuticals 2nd Ed.,(Ed. Ramesh Gupta); Elsevier/Academic Press, San Diego; 2021; pp 229-244.
- Rehman S, Ray A. “Neuroprotective Medicinal Plants: Focus on Curcuma longa”. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 2020; 8(8):16-30.
- Baluja Z, Rehman S. Medicinal & Pharmacological properties of Turmeric (Curcuma longa): The golden spice of India. Paripex – Ind J Res. 2019; 8(8):1-4.
- Rehman S, Habib A, Khan S. Haematological Profile of Chronic renal disease Patients on antihypertensive medications undergoing hemodialysis. GJRA.2019:8(4);187-189
- Rehman S, Baluja Z. Role of yoga therapy in migraine - a brief review. Paripex – Ind. J Res. 2018: 7(6);51-53.
- Rehman S , Habib A, Ahmad R. “Assessment of IBS symptoms in low income group patients attending medical OPD – In a tertiary care hospital, South Delhi. Int J Adv Med. 2017:4(4);1117-1122
- Rehman S, Naim F. “Role of Beta Blockers on Adrenaline induced leukocytosis in Rabbits”. IABCR. 2016:2(3); 107-109
- Rehman S, Naim F. “A Comparative Study of Antidepressant Activity of Aqueous Extract of Berberis aristata with Fluoxetine in Albino Rats”. IABCR. 2016: 2(3);110-113.
- Rehman S, Sharma R K, Goel S L. A comparative study of Antidepressant activity of aqueous extract of Curcuma longa with Fluoxetine in experimental animals (albino rats). Paripex, Indian Journal of Research. 2016:5(6); 262-264.
- Chauhan D S, Goel S L, Sharma R K, Rehman S. Evaluation of Role of Tinospora Cordifolia in experimentally induced Thrombocytopenia in rabbits. Paripex, Indian Journal of Research.2016:5(6); 96-99.
- Rehman S, Ahmad R, Habib A. A comparative assessment of the efficacy of various antihypertensive drugs on isolated systolic blood pressure in elderly. European journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. 2016:3(11);387-91
- Rehman S, Habib A, Ahmad R. “Modifiable factors that roots isolated systolic Hypertension: Retrospective observational study in elderly patients. IJAR. 2016:7(7); 103-106.
Research Work & Projects
- Supervisor in degree of Master of Science (Medical pharmacology) at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi (2020-2023). “Salivary Nitric Oxide: A potential biomarker in anxiety disorders.”
- Co-supervisor in M. Pharma, Pharmacology, Department of Pharmaceuticals Sciences, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak. “A pharmacovigilance study with psychotropic medications in patients suffering from anxiety disorders in tertiary care hospital, New Delhi” 2022.
- Supervisor in degree of Master of Science (Medical pharmacology) at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi (2020-2023). “Salivary Nitric Oxide: A potential biomarker in anxiety disorders.”
- Co-Investigator in ICMR funded research project on “Pharmacological studies to evaluate the effects of Withania somnifera in experimental models of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its mechanisms in rats” – from 2019 – 2021 (on going)
- Co-Supervisor in M.D. (Pharmacology) thesis project “Experimental studies to evaluate the role of nitric oxide (no) in post-traumatic stress disorder induced neurobehavioral and cardiovascular changes in rats”, at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
- Co-Supervisor in Ph.D (Pharmacology) thesis project “Studies on The Effects of Withania somnifera on Airway Inflammation and Airway Remodeling in Experimental Model of Bronchial Asthma “ at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
- Co-Supervisor in M.Sc (Medical Physiology) thesis project “To study the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of L-arginine on albino mice”, at HIMSR (2020-2021).
- Co-Supervisor in M.Sc (Medical Physiology) thesis project “To study the anti-depressent effect of plant product on albino rat “, at HIMSR, New Delhi (2020-2021).
- Awarded with Young Pharmacologist Award for best oral presentation at 2nd Annual conference of Delhi Pharmacological Society, DPSCON 2023 held on 1st March, 2023 at DPSRU, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi.
- Awarded with the outstanding E-poster presentation in the Faculty category at the virtual Biennial SAAP VII and PSI Conference 2021 “Physiological Sciences for betterment of health” held between 24-25th March 2021 at HIMSR, New Delhi.
- Awarded with the Gold Medal in the MD Examination at the university level by the Hon`ble Governor of U.P in March 2019.
- Awarded with Consolation Prize in the oral presentation “Effect of Beta Blockers on Adrenaline induced leucocytosis in rabbits” organised by Indian Pharmacological Society, North Zone Conference at GLA University, Mathura, U.P. in Feb 2014.
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Editorial Board Member in Journal of Research Pharmacy
- National Editorial Board member in Indian Journal of Comprehensive and Advanced Pharmacology.
- Life member, Delhi Pharmacological Society (LM-021)
- Life Member, Society of Nitric Oxide & Allied Radicals (SNOAR)
- Life member, Indian Pharmacological Society
- Life member, International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences (IACS-India Section)
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Delivered a short lecture titled “Modulatory effects of Withania somnifera on post- traumatic stress disorder induced anxiogenesis, neuroinflammation and brain oxidative stress in rats”in International IASTAM Conclave 2022 on Multi-Targeted Therapeutics in Unani and Ayurvedic Medicine & Food Supplement on 29-30 July,2022, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India.
- “Experimental studies on the effects of Withania somnifera in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and its possible mechanisms” presented a scientific paper in the oral presentation session of the 2 nd World Congress on Pharmacology-2022 “Drug Discovery And Development” held on 30 th January 2022. BioGenesis Health Cluster, Bengaluru, INDIA.
- “Effect of Withania somnifera on airway inflammation in stressed and non-stressed rats” Presented at virtual Biennial SAAP VIInad PSI Conference 2021 “Physiological Sciences for betterment of health” held between 24-25th March 2021 at HIMSR, New Delhi.
- “Chronic stress induced anxiety and airway inflammation: modulation by Withania somnifera” Presented at 3rd World Congress on Drug Discovery and Development, 2021.
- ‘Herb-drug interactions during stress-induced anxiogenesis and airway inflammation: an experimental study with translational potential’ Presented at 9th National Conference on Allergy, Asthma &Immunology, organised by Allergy &Asthma Research Centre, Kolkata on 28th,29th,30th August 2020.
- `Stress, anxiety and airway inflammation: modulation by Withania somnifera` Presented at SFEC 2020 7 TH International Congress of Society for Ethnopharmacology, India, Organized by Bioactive Natural Product Laboratory (BNPL), School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Jamia Hamdard, in Association with Society for Ehtnopharmacology, India held at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India on 15-17 th Feb 2020.
- `Translational Research – its impact on drug development` National Conference on Current Trends in Translational Medicine and Pharmacovigilance: Stress on Skill Development organised by Department of Pharmaceutics; School of Pharmaceutical Education & Research; Jamia Hamdard on 5th-6th, October,2018.
- “Pharmacovigilance – ensuring drug safety” National Conference on "Diseases and Drugs: Emerging Trends and Challenges" organised by Zakir Husain Delhi College; University of Delhi on 31stJan, 2018 to 1stFeb, 2018.
- `Efficacy of Tinospora Cordifolia (Giloe) in Viral Fever- A Preliminary Study`. 4 th Annual Conference of UP-UK Chapter of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India at Saraswati Institute of Medical Sciences, Hapur, U.P on 28.09.2013. (poster presentation in young scientist award session)
- `Effect of Beta Blockers on Adrenaline induced leucocytosis in rabbits` Indian Pharmacological Society, North Zone Conference at GLA University, Mathura, U.P. on 16.02.2014 (oral presentation in young scientist award session).
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- 9th National Conference on Allergy, Asthma &Immunology, organised by Allergy &Asthma Research Centre, Kolkata on 28th,29th,30th August 2020.
- SFEC 2020 7TH International Congress of Society for Ethnopharmacology, India, Organized by Bioactive Natural Product Laboratory (BNPL), School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Jamia Hamdard in Association with Society for Ehtnopharmacology, India held at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India on 15-17th Feb 2020.
- National Conference on Current Trends in Translational Medicine and Pharmacovigilance: Stress on Skill Development organised by Department of Pharmaceutics; School of Pharmaceutical Education & Research; Jamia Hamdard on 5th-6th, October,2018.
- National Conference on "Diseases and Drugs: Emerging Trends and Challenges" organised by Zakir Husain Delhi College; University of Delhi on 31st Jan, 2018 to 1stFeb, 2018.
- National Conference on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Landscape: Its Key Role and Functions organised by Department of Pharmaceutics; School of Pharmaceutical Education & Research; Jamia Hamdard on 13th Feb, 2018.
- Fifth National Conference Of Pharmacoeconomics And Outcomes Research of ISPOR-India Chapter held at DPSRU, New Delhi on 3 - 4 March, 2017.
- 70th Annual Conference of the Association of Physicians of India, Gurgaon (2015).
- Indian Pharmacological Society Conference, GLA University Mathura, UP (2014).
- UP-UK APPICON 2013, Saraswati Institute of Medical Science, Anwarpur, Hapur, UP (2013).
- UP Pathcon 2103, Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar (2013).
- CME on Immunisation updates organised by HIMSR on 15th May, 2018.
- CME on Geriatric Anaesthesia – A Contemporary Approach organised by HIMSR & HAHC Hospital on October,2018.
- CME on “Writing a Research Paper” organised by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, HIMSR in association with Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, HIMSR, New Delhi on 2nd Feb, 2018.
- CME on “Women & Diabetes- Our right to Healthy Future” organised by Department of Medicine & Biochemistry; HIMSR on 13th November, 2017
- CME on Neurophysiology – 2017 organised by Department of Physiology & Department of Paramedical Sceinces, Hamdard institute of medical sciences and research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 12th September-2017.
- CME in Transfusion Medicine – 2017 organised by Department of Pathology &Blood Bank, Hamdard institute of medical sciences and research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 8th August-2017.
- “Clinical Research” organised by Research Project Advisory Committee, Hamdard institute of medical sciences and research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 16th may-2017.
- Diagnosis and Management of Depression and Anxiety Disorders organised by Departments of Community Medicine and Psychiatry, HIMSR at Hamdard Convention Centre, Jamia Hamdard on 7th April 2017.
- “Markers in Clinical Medicine and Research”, Department of Bio-Chemistry, Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad and Society of Biological Scientists of India 2014.
- Basic Course on Research Methodology, Medical Education Unit, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, 2014.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- 2nd Annual Conference DPSCON 2023 OF Delhi Pharmacological Society held on 1st March, 2023 at DPSRU, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi.
- International IASTAM Conclave 2022 on Multi-Targeted Therapeutics in Unani and Ayurvedic Medicine & Food Supplement on 29-30 July,2022, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India.
- Participated in workshop on ‘Ethics in Human Health Research and Good Clinical Practices’ organised by Medical Education Technology (MET) Division and Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) ABVIMS, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi.
- Participated in the Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies conducted by Medical Education Unit, HIMSR under the aegis of NMC regional Centre, MAMC, New Delhi from 6th to 8th April, 2021.
- Virtual Certificate Course on Bio-Statistics “Statistics in Biomedical and Epidemiological Research – Basic Insights” October 17-18, 2020 Organized by Bengal Forum of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics & Inovocare Healthsoft Solutions, Kolkata.
- Curriculum Implementation Support Programme-II (CSIP-II) organised by Medical Education Unit, Hamdrad Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi-110062 on 23rd -24th Sept 2020.
- GOOD CLINICAL LABORATORY PRACTICE Workshop conducted by CDSA, THSTI, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad on January 30 - 31, 2020.
- Medical Education Technology Workshop conducted by Medical Education Unit, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi- 110062 0n 27 th to 28 th Nov 2019.
- Workshop cum Awareness Programme on “Pharmacovigilance : A tool to ensure drug safety” organized by Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Jamia Hamdard and IPC, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India on 21 st November,2019.
- Basic Course Workshop in Medical & Health Profession’s Education organized by KL Wig CMET, AIIMS, New Delhi on 11-13 th March, 2019.
- National workshop series on Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) organized by THSTI, Govt. of India, NGCMA on 24th September, 2018.
- International IASTAM Conclave 2022 on Multi-Targeted Therapeutics in Unani and Ayurvedic Medicine & Food Supplement on 29-30 July,2022, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India.
- 2nd World Congress on Pharmacology-2022 “Drug Discovery And Development” held on 30th January 2022. BioGenesis Health Cluster, Bengaluru, INDIA.
- Virtual Biennial SAAP VIInad PSI Conference 2021 “Physiological Sciences for betterment of health” held between 24-25th March 2021 at HIMSR, New Delhi.
- 3rd World Congress on Drug Discovery and Development, 2021.
- 9th National Conference on Allergy, Asthma &Immunology, organised by Allergy &Asthma Research Centre, Kolkata on 28th, 29th, 30th August 2020.
- SFEC 2020 7TH International Congress of Society for Ethnopharmacology, India, Organized by Bioactive Natural Product Laboratory (BNPL), School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Jamia Hamdard in Association with Society for Ehtnopharmacology, India held at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India on 15-17th Feb 2020.
- National Conference on Current Trends in Translational Medicine and Pharmacovigilance: Stress on Skill Development organised by Department of Pharmaceutics; School of Pharmaceutical Education & Research; Jamia Hamdard on 5th- 6th, October,2018.
- National Conference on "Diseases and Drugs: Emerging Trends and Challenges" organised by Zakir Husain Delhi College; University of Delhi on 31st Jan, 2018 to 1stFeb, 2018.
- National Conference on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Landscape: Its Key Role and Functions organised by Department of Pharmaceutics; School of Pharmaceutical Education & Research; Jamia Hamdard on 13th Feb, 2018.