Dr. Dimple Gupta
Senior resident, Department of Psychiatry
Reg. Number: DMC-103020

I have an overall experience of 9 years in medical field and 3 years of experience in Psychiatry. I have received training in various areas such as Adult, Child, Geriatric as well as Consultation Liaison Psychiatry.
I am well trained for documentation of patient related information, execution of procedures like ECT, educating the patient and family, and providing excellent level of care.
Currently I am involved with the OPD and In-patient services as well as teaching responsibilities of Medical and paramedical students. I believe in being an empathetic therapist and providing patients the information regarding their psychiatric issues and giving the maximum possible benefit to patients and their caregivers
Area of Interest
- General adult psychiatry
- Psychotherapy
- Consultation Liaison Psychiatry
- Teaching
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MD Psychiatry | 2022 | Government Medical College, Bhavnagar & Maharaja KrishnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University | DMC-103020 | 19-06-2022 |
MBBS | 2016 | Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bathinda. Adesh University. | DMC-103020 | 19-06-2022 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Senior Resident | HIMSR, New Delhi | 02-06-2022 | Till Date | |
Senior Resident | Government Medical College, Bhavnagar | 01-05-2022 | 01-06-2022 | 1 Month |
Junior Resident | Government Medical College, Bhavnagar | 01-05-2019 | 30-04-2022 | 3 Years |
- 2022 Dimple Gupta, Akansha Bhardwaj, Rashmi Prakash & Nimmi Jose. Fluvoxamine-induced Tics:A Rare Phenomenon. Archieves of Medicine and health sciences. Vol 10.issue 2;274-276.
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Abhinav Ankur.Clinical and neuropsychological assessment of Dementia and Geriatric Depression in Patients of Sir T Hospital, Bhavnagar. Indian Journal of Public health research and development.Vol 14.issue 1;62-66.
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Abhinav Ankur, Chirag Ambaliya. The menance of Type 2 Diabetes to Anxiety and Depression Prevalence. Indian Journal of Public health research and development.Vol 14.issue 1;58-61.
- 2023 Krupa Mukeshbhai Unadkat, Bharat Navinchndra Panchal, Ashokkumar Ukabhai Vala,Sneha Bhagvanbhai Vadher, Dimple Ramankumar Gupta,Chirag Sanjaybhai Ambaliya.A 3 Study of Perceived Stress,Anxiety,Depression and Coping strategies in wives of patients with Alcohol Dependence. International journal of toxicological and pharmacological research.Vol 13.issue 1;104-111.
- 2023 Akansha Bhardwaj, Rashmi Prakash, Dimple gupta, Nimmi Jose. Pancytopenia in Carbamazepine Therapy: A Rare and Serious Entity with Simple Prevention. International Journal of applied and basic medical research. Vol 13. Issue 01; 44-46. (Corresponding author)
- 2023 Sumati Goyal, Dimple Gupta, Chirag Ambaliya. Anxiety and depression in Post Covid 19 Mucormycosis Patients. International Journal of Advanced Research. Vol 11. issue 01;930- 936.(Corresponding Author)
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Abhinav Ankur, Chirag Ambaliya. Valproate induced Cerebellar syndrome. International journal of Scientific research. Vol 12. issue 02;2277-8179.
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Chirag Ambaliya. Sildenafil induced psychosis: A Rare Case Report. International Journal of Advanced Research. Vol 11. issue 01;907-909.
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Abhinav Ankur. Pica and the iron deficiency anaemia: A Case series. International Journal of Advanced Research. Vol 11. issue 01;1567-1569.
- 2023 Rashmi Prakash, Dimple Gupta, Nimmi A Jose, Akansha Bhardwaj. A Study of Risk Factors of Delirium Tremens in Persons with Alcohol use Disorder in a Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol 12. Issue 05; May - 2023 | Print ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | doi: 10.36106/ijsr
- 2023 The Efficacy of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide for Psychological assisted Therapy: Systematic Review and Metaanalysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Vol 11. Issue 04; 1469-1478.
- 2023 The Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelics for Mental Health Disorders: A Review of Current Evidence. Vol 12. Issue 05; May-2023. Doi: 10.36106/paripex.
- 2023 Dimple Gupta,Ashok U Vala,Abhinav Ankur.Chirag Ambaliya,Krupa Unadkat,Bharat N Panchal. A Cross-sectional study of quality of sleep, burn-outs, anxiety and depression in rotatory shift workers of Sir t hospital. Advances in human biology.(accepted)
- 2023 Chirag Ambaliya, Dimple Gupta, Abhinav Ankur. Stress and coping in post covid sequelae in indian patients. Indian Journal of Public health research and development.(Corresponding author)(accepted).
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Akansha Bhardwaj,Abhinav Ankur,Chirag ambaliya. Psychosis and its linear outcomes: Huntington Disease.Annals of indian psychiatry. (accepted)
- 2023 Akansha Bhardwaj,Dimple Gupta,Rashmi Prakash,Nimmi Jose. “Is Paroxetine is causing me Nightmares?”Annals of indian Psychiatry(accepted)
- 2023 Avisha Mahla, Dimple Gupta, Ved Pal Mahla, Akansha Bhardwaj. Vortioxetine-induced Periorbital Edema: An unusual Case Report. Annals of Indian psychiatry. (accepted)(Corresponding Author)
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Chirag Ambaliya, Abhinav Ankur. Prevalence and predictors of psychiatric disorders in patients with epilepsy in a tertiary level care Hospital: An Original Article. Indian Journal of Public health research and development. (accepted)
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Chirag Ambaliya, Aman Ankur, Abhinav Ankur. A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis of Clinical Perspective in Trichotillomania. Indian Journal of Public health research and development. (accepted)
- 2023 Chirag Ambaliya, Ashok U Vala, Dimple Gupta, Bharat N Panchal, Krupa Unadkat. Prevalence of Food addiction and its association with anxiety and depression in medical students: A cross sectional study. Annals of Indian Psychiatry. (accepted)
- 2023 Dimple Gupta, Akansha Bhardwaj, Rashmi Prakash, Nimmi Jose. A Compulsion beyond Hair pulling: A Case Report. International Journal of Advanced Medical And Health Research. (accepted)
- Awarded first rank in PG MD psychiatry examination
- • Awarded 2nd runner up prize in Psychiatry Quiz held at Annual national conference 2022 of Delhi Psychiatric society
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS)
Invited Talks and Lectures
- 22th -25th January 2020: A Very Rare Case of Trichotillomania with Trichophagia and Pica Complicating into Intestinal Obstruction. 72th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society.
- 14th-18th December 2020: A Study to identify Unrecognized Bipolar Disorder in Patients of Major Depressive Disorder taking Antidepressants.BMACON 2020.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- 22th -25th January 2020: A Very Rare Case of Trichotillomania with Trichophagia and Pica Complicating into Intestinal Obstruction. 72th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society.
- 14th-18th December 2020: A Study to identify Unrecognized Bipolar Disorder in Patients of Major Depressive Disorder taking Antidepressants .BMACON 2020.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- 10 May 2014.Mid year CME:Toxicology Update.Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.
- 5 May 2019.Pharmacovigilance sensitization Workshop,Pharmacovigilance cell Govt medical college Bhavnagar and IMA Bhavnagar branch
- 6 June 2019.Post graduate orientation program CME.Medical education unit,Govt Medical college, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
- 7 June 2019.Good Clinical Practice Workshop. Medical education unit, Govt medical college, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
- 10-11 August 2019.Geriatric Psychiatric CME. Missing links
- 17 September.Workshop on effective communication skill(virtual).
- 22th -25th January 2020 72th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society.
- 14th-18th December 2020.BMACON 2020.Bhavnagar Medical association(IMA,Bhavnagar).Govt medical college, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
- 24th -26th June 2021. Psychiatry PG Virtual Mock Practical Exams- Indian Psychiatry Society.
- 22 April 2022.Psychotherapy primer for Postgraduates. IPS-KC Webinar
- 21-24 Dec,26-27 December 2022.Workshop on Biostastical Data Analysis and Research Methodology. Science Tech Institute, Lucknow.
- 25 December 2022.DPS Annual Conference. Gurugram
- 22th January 2023.3rd Annual Digital Conference of I.P.S – UP State branch.
- 14-15 April 2023. CME on Understanding Sleep Disorders by Division of Sleep Medicine, AIIMS Rishikesh.