Doctor's Profile

Dr Shifa Qureshi


PG resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Reg. Number: DMC-35168



Educational Qualifications

Degree Year Name of College & University Registration Number Date of Registration
MBBS 2022 HIMSR, New Delhi DMC-35168

Deatils of Teaching Experience

Designation* Institution From To Duration
Junior Resident Kasturba Hospital, New Delhi 01-07-2023 31-08-2024 2 Months


Research Work & Projects

  • Risk Factors for Developing Psychiatric Complications of Long COVID-19 (Ongoing project at AIIMS New Delhi)
  • Abstract Presentation: Akhtar N, Gupta I, Qureshi S, Aggarwal K. Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on sleep quality, sleep duration, and acute stress in Indian Young Adults [abstract]. In: Word Sleep Congress, Rome, Italy, March 13-14, 2022.

Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised

  • Conducted seminar for World Breastfeeding Day: Counselled patients in the Post Natal Ward of HAHC Hospital about correct breastfeeding practices, taught 3rd year medical school students how to counsel new mothers about breastfeeding.
  • Organized a 2-day seminar for 500 middle school and high school students teaching them about various components of comprehensive sexual education tailored to each grade.
  • Taught girls between the ages of 7-14 in a rural area in New Delhi about menstrual hygiene, normal and abnormal menstruation, using hygiene products, and addressed the stigma which surrounds menstruation.

Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended

  • How to Write a Research Paper, Delegate 2019
  • Basic Surgical Skills Workshop, 2020
  • National FOGSI conference, Delegate, March 2020
  • World Patient Safety Day, Delegate, 2021