HIMSR, Information

College & Hospital

S. No. Information of the medical college/institution

Year of Inception:





1. Name Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
2. Address with pin code Guru Ravidas Marg, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi – 110062
3. University address with pin code Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi – 110062
4. Official website www.himsr.co.in
5. Dean/ Principal/ Director Prof. (Dr.) Mridu Dudeja
6. Mobile Number 8750410786
7. Email ID of Dean dean@himsr.co.in
8. Hospital HAH Centenary Hospital
9. Date and Year of Registration of the Hospital 06/12/2023
10. Number of Beds 710
11. Number of Beds for emergency 30
12. Date of the First Letter of Permission (LoP) of MBBS 29.06.2012
13. Status of Recognition Recognised for 100 MBBS seats

2nd renewal for 150 MBBS seats

14. Number of MBBS and PG broad specialty  and super specialty students admitted in this session* MBBS: 150

MD/MS: 47

DM/MCh: -Nil

15. Inpatients registered and admitted

(Previous month record)

Feb 2024: 3661
16. Outpatients registered

(Previous month record)

Feb 2024: 37,718
17. Number of Death reported to the Municipality/village register (month-wise)

(Previous month record)

Feb 2024: 23
18. Address and pin code of the Corporation/Village where the Death records are reported Office of Deputy Commissioner South Zone Municipal Corporation of Delhi

Sri Aurobindo Marg, Block A, Green Park Extension, Green Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110016

19. Website link/ email ID/hyperlink of the corporation in case Death records are reported https://mcdonline.nic.in/portal
20. Number of Birth reported (Month-wise) Feb 2024: 156
21. Address and pin code of the Corporation/village where the Birth records are reported Office of Deputy Commissioner South Zone Municipal Corporation of Delhi

Sri Aurobindo Marg, Block A, Green Park Extension, Green Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110016

22. Website link/ email ID/ hyperlink of the corporation in case Birth Records are reported https://mcdonline.nic.in/portal
23. Number of Rooms in Men’s Hostel and students accommodation Number of Rooms : 110

Total accommodated: 192

24. Total Number of Rooms in Women’s Hostel and students accommodated Number of Rooms : 150

Total accommodated: 268

25. Name of the Grievance Redressed Officer (PIO & CPIO): PIO: – Prof. MD. Iqbal Alam

CPIO :- Prof. Sunil Kohli

26. Address with Pin code Guru Ravidas Marg, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi – 110062
27. Telephone Number Email Id 09990083747


28. Grievances reported

(Previous month record)





  1. Details of Post- Graduation Courses offered
Post Graduate Course Year of Commencement of the Course Number of Students Currently pursuing the Course Number of Students admitted in the current session
MD Pathology 2017 9 3
MS/MD Anatomy 2017 1 1
MD Community Medicine 2017 8 3
MS Surgery 2020 12 4
MD/MS Orthopaedics 2020 9 3
MD General Medicine 2020 12 4
MD/MS Anaesthesiology 2020 11 4
MD/MS Ophthalmology 2020 9 3
MD/MS Paediatrics 2020 12 4
MD/MS Radio-Diagnosis 2020 9 3
MD/MS ENT 2020 6 2
MD Pharmacology 2020 8 4
MD/MS Obst. & Gyne 2020 12 4
MD Biochemistry 2020 2 2
MD Microbiology 2020 3 3






  1. Department wise list of Faculty Members
Department Name of the faculty Qualification IMR Number Current Designation & Date of promotion Nature of employment Regular/ permanent or contract/ outsourced Details of Service  in the last 5 years Number of lectures taken/year, small teaching group with Topics covered
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023



Dr. Shalini Kumar


DMC – 2263

Professor & Head  01.01.2024 Regular


Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 42 hrs.

General Anatomy,

Head & Neck,  Embryology,


Dr. Arpita Mahajan


DMC -04476

Associate Professor 01.01.2022 Contractual


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 42 hrs.

General Anatomy,



Dr. Sabah Yaseen


DMC – 15980

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident MAMC Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


42 hrs

General Anatomy,

Head & Neck, Histology

Dr. Mohd. Anas Khan


DMC – 51686

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident


Assistant Professor


42 hrs

General Anatomy,

Abdomen & pelvis

Dr. Rizwana Farhat


DMC – 64608

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident

LHMC, New Delhi

Senior Resident

LHMC, New Delhi

Senior Resident

LHMC, New Delhi

Senior Resident

LHMC, New Delhi



Physiology Dr. MD. Iqbal Alam

M.Sc., Ph.D

Professor & Head  06.12.2016 Regular












1.   Introduction – Physiology

2.   Mechanism of Transport

3.   Membrane transport protein

4.   Resting membrane potential

5.   Introduction – Immunity

6.   Immunity – 2

7.   Immunity – 3

8.   Hypersensitivity

9.   Introduction – Renal Physiology

10.  Blood supply and Kidney, JGA

11.  Functions of nephron

12.  Regulation of GFR

13.  R-A-A-S Axis

14.  Renal clearance

15.  Concept of absorption and secretion

16.  Transport of organic substance, glucose, TMG

17.  Transport of amino acid / protein, inorganic substances

18.  Mechanism of Na+, K+, regulation

19.  Mechanism of Cal++, Inorganic ions. & other cations / Anions, HCo3, Cl, H+

20.  Tubular secretion, PAH

21.  H2O mechanism, C.C.M

22.  CCM & diuretics

23.  Micturition, reflex

24.  Acid-Base balance

25.  Acid-Base-balance

26.  Non-Excretory functions of kidney

27.  Renal function test, Disease, Dialysis. Transport

28.  Motor system – Introduction

29.  Receptor, reflex, motor function

30.  Reflex-Properties

31.  Properties of reflex, mass reflex, Spinal reflex

32.  Stretch reflex

33.  Motor neurons, Gamma motor neurons

34.  Motor cortex & motor tract

35.  Extra pyramidal tract

36.  Pyramidal tract

37.  UMNL & LMNL and other disorders

Dr. Shikha Gautam


DMC – 01415

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 1.          Homeostasis

2.          Homeostasis: Calculation of gain

3.          G-proteins

4.          Apoptosis

5.          Introduction of cardiac muscle

6.          Properties of cardiac muscle

7.          Cardiac action potential

8.          Pacemaker potential

9.          Basis of ECG-1

10.      Basis of ECG-2

11.      Cardiac axis

12.      Abnormal ECG

13.      M.I. & Electrolyte disturbance in ECG

14.      Cardiac output

15.      Measurement of cardiac output

16.      Cardiac cycle-1

17.      Cardiac cycle-2

18.      Regulation of BP-1

19.      Regulation of BP-2

20.      CVS regulation

21.      Introduction to circulatory system

22.      Principle of hemodynamics

23.      Hemodynamics: Applied

24.      Microcirculation

25.      Shock

26.      Heart failure

27.      Adrenal cortex: Hormone synthesis

28.      Glucocorticoids

29.      Mineralocorticoids

30.      Adrenal Medulla-1

31.      Adrenal Medulla : Applied

32.      Male Repro: Spermatogenesis

33.      Male Repro: Testosterone

34.      Introduction to sensory physiology

35.      Synapse and properties

36.      Receptor and properties

37.      Ascending pathways

38.      Physiology of Pain

39.      Referred pain

40.      Central analgesics system

41.      Basal metabolic Rate

Dr. Perveen Akhter


DMC – 63857

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor GMC, Mandi, Himchal Pradesh Assistant Professor GMC, Mandi, Himchal Pradesh Assistant Professor


1.        Functional dynamics action of GIT-1

2.        Functional dynamics action of GIT-2

3.        GIT Hormones

4.        Salivary glands

5.        Mastication and deglutition

6.        Stomach-1

7.        Stomach-2

8.        Pancreas

9.        Liver

10.    Biliary secretions and entero-hepatic circulation

11.    Motility and secretion of intestines-1

12.    Motility and secretion of intestines-2

13.    Digestion and absorption

14.    Applied

15.    Thyroid synthesis and regulation

16.    Actions of thyroid hormone

17.    Disorder of thyroid hormone

18.    Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin

19.    Calcium homeostasis

20.    Vitamin D and applied

21.    Bone physiology

22.    Pancreas-1

23.    Pancreas-2 (Action of Insulin)

24.    Diabetes mellitus

Dr. Amina Sultan Zaidi


DMC – 81274

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, MAMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, MAMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


1.        Cell Membrane

2.        Intercellular connections

3.        Body Fluids

4.        Structure and function of platelets

5.        Hemostasis-1

6.        Hemostasis-2

7.        Anticlotting mechanism

8.        Functional anatomy of respiration

9.        Mechanics of respiration -1

10.    Mechanics of respiration-2

11.    Pulmonary circulation

12.    Physical principles of gas exchange

13.    Ventilation perfusion ratio

14.    Transport of oxygen

15.    Transport of carbon dioxide

16.    Neural regulation-1

17.    Neural regulation-2

18.    Chemical regulation of respiration -1

19.     Chemical regulation of respiration-2

20.    Physiology of high altitude

21.    Physiology of deep sea diving

22.    Pulmonary function test-1

23.    Pulmonary function test-2

24.    Cardiorespiratory changes during exercise

25.    Female reproduction sustem-1

26.    Female reproduction sustem-2

27.    Female reproduction sustem-3

28.    Female reproduction sustem-4

29.    Higher function -1

30.    Higher function-2

31.    Language and speech

32.    Learning and memory

33.    Hypothalamus

34.    Hypothalamus

35.    Sleep

36.    Circadian Rhythm

37.    Ear-1

38.    Ear-2

39.    Ear-3

40.    Ear-4

41.    Smell and taste

42.    Vestibular system-1

43.    Vestibular system-2

Dr. Bhawna Mattoo


DMC – 55668

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi Senior Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


1.      Structure of function of neuron

2.      Axonal transport

3.      Action potential-1

4.      Action potential-2

5.      N.M Junction

6.      Autonomic nervous system-1

7.      Autonomic nervous system-2

8.      Nerve injury

9.      Skeletal muscle structure

10.  Cross bridge cycling

11.  EC coupling

12.  Force modulation skeletal muscle

13.  Energetics of nerve & muscle

14.  Smooth muscle

15.  Introduction to endocrinology

16.  Hypothalamus-pituitary axes

17.  Pituitary

18.  Growth Hormone

19.  Motor cortex

20.  Cerebellum-1

21.  Cerebellum-2

22.  Basal ganglia-1

23.  Basal ganglia-2

24.  Posture and tone

25.  Visio functional anatomy of eye

26.  Optics

27.  Photo-transduction

28.  Visual pathway

29.  Color vision

30.  Optics tract lesions

31.  Physiology of Yoga

32.  Space Physiology

Biochemistry Dr. Jaspreet Kaur


DMC – 15396

Professor & Head Contractual Associate Professor, Career Institute, Lucknow Associate Professor, Noida International, Noida Professor Noida International, Noida Professor Noida International, Noida Associate Professor NMC, New Delhi
Dr. Sana Alam


DMC – 63970

Associate Professor


Regular Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR  Total Theory hour taken (Didactic): 30

BI2.1Explain fundamental concepts of enzyme, isoenzyme, alloenzyme, coenzyme & cofactors. Enumerate the main classes of IUBMB nomenclature  (1)

BI 2.3Describe and explain the basic principles of enzyme activity (1)

BI2.4 Describe and discuss enzyme inhibitors as poisons and drugs and as therapeutic enzymes.(1)

BI 2.5,2.6,2.7 Describe and discuss the clinical utility of various serum enzymes as markers of pathological conditions (2)

BI 5.1 Describe and discuss structural organization of proteins (1).

BI2.2 Observe the estimation of SGOT/SGPT (2).

BI 4.3 Describe the regulation of lipoprotein metabolism & associated disorders (1)

BI 4.4 Describe the structure and functions of lipoproteins, their inter-relationship amongst different lipoproteins in relation to atherosclerosis (1)

BI 4.5,4.6 Interpret laboratory results of analytes associated with metabolism of lipids. (1)

BI 5.3 Describe the digestion and absorption of dietary proteins (1)

BI 5.4 Describe common disorders associated with protein metabolism (1)

BI 5.5 Interpret laboratory results of analytes associated with metabolism of proteins. (1)

BI 6.2 Describe and discuss the metabolic processes in which nucleotides are involved. (2)

BI 6.3 Describe the common disorders associated with nucleotide metabolism (2)

BI 6.5 Describe the biochemical role of fat soluble vitamins in the body and explain the manifestations of their deficiency (2)

BI 6.5 Describe the biochemical role of water soluble vitamins in the body and explain the manifestations of their deficiency (2)

BI6.7 Describe the processes involved in maintenance of normal pH, water & electrolyte balance of body fluids & the derangements associated with these (2)

BI10.3: Describe the cellular and humoral components of the immune system:  Lecture (2)

BI10.4: Describe & discuss innate and adaptive immune responses:Lecture (2)

BI10.5: Describe antigens involved in vaccine development: Lecture (2)



SGD/ tutorials/ integrated learning/ practical/demonstration- 176 hours

Dr. Kailash Chandra

M.Sc. P.D

Associate Professor


Regular Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Total Theory hour taken (Didactic): 30


BI 6.6:

Describe the biochemical processes involved in generation of energy in cells (2+2=4).


BI 3.1: Discuss and differentiate monosaccharides, di-saccharides and polysaccharides giving examples of main carbohydrates as energy fuel, structural element and storage in the human body (1).


BI 3.2 &

BI 3.3: Describe the processes involved in storage of carbohydrates and its utilization

Describe and discuss the digestion and assimilation of carbohydrates from food. (2)


BI 3.4: Define and differentiate the pathways of carbohydrate metabolism, (glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen metabolism, HMP shunt) (1)


BI 3.6: Describe and discuss the concept of TCA cycle as an amphibolic pathway and its regulation (1).


BI 3.7&

BI 3.8 :

Describe the common poisons that inhibit crucial enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism (e.g. fluoride, arsenate).

Discuss and interpret laboratory results of analytes associated with metabolism of carbohydrates (1)



BI 3.9 & 3.10:

Discuss the mechanism and significance of blood glucose regulation in health and disease (2 integration with Medicine).



BI 7.2: Describe the processes involved in replication &

repair of DNA & the transcription & translation

mechanisms. (2+2)



BI 7.2: Describe the processes involved in replication &

repair of DNA & the transcription & translation

mechanisms (3+1)


BI 9.3: Describe protein targeting & sorting along with its Associated disorders. (1+2)


BI 7.3:

Describe gene mutations &

basic mechanism of regulation of gene expression. (2+2)


BI 10.1: Describe the cancer initiation,

promotion ,oncogenes &

Oncogene activation along with focus on p53 &apoptosis. (1+2)


BI 10.2: Describe various biochemical tumor markers &the biochemical basis of cancer therapy.



BI 7.4: Describe applications of

Molecular technologies like

recombinant DNA technology, PCR in the diagnosis and

treatment of diseases with

genetic basis.(3)


BI 6.13:

Describe the functions of the kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands. (2)


BI 6.14

Describe the tests that are commonly done in clinical practice to assess the functions of these organs (kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands). (2)


BI 6.15 : Describe the abnormalities of kidney, liver, thyroid and adrenal glands. (2)


BI 9.1: List the functions and components of extracellular matrix (ECM ) [2]


BI 9.2 :

Discuss the involvement of ECM components in health and disease (2+2)


SGD/ tutorials/ integrated learning/ practical/demonstration- 176 hours

Dr. Bhumika Upadhyay

M.Sc. Ph.D

Assistant Professor


Regular Demonstrator HIMSR Demonstrator HIMSR Demonstrator HIMSR Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Total Theory hour taken (Didactic): 30


BI1.1: Describe the molecular and functional organization of a cell :Lecture (1)

BI1.1: Describe the subcellular components of the cell: Lecture (1)

BI4.1: Describe and discuss main classes of lipids: Lecture(2)

BI4.2: Describe the processes involved in digestion and absorption of dietary lipids, and transport: Lecture(1)

BI4.3: Lipoprotein/cholesterol/ dyslipidemia: Lecture (1)

BI4.6: Metabolism of prostaglandin: Their biological and herapeutic uses of prostaglandins: Lecture (2)

BI6.7: Maintenance of normal pH, water & electrolyte balance: (2)

BI 5.2 Describe and discuss structure & functions of hemoglobin, myoglobin & hemoglobinopathies. (1)

BI 6.12 Describe major types of hemoglobin and its derivatives (1)

BI6.9: Describe the functions of various minerals in the body their metabolism and homeostasis and disease associated with mineral metabolism: Lecture (2)

BI6.10: Describe the diseases associated with mineral metabolism:

Lecture (2)

BI6.11: Describe the functions of heme in the body and describe the processes involved in its metabolism and describe porphyrin metabolism: Lecture (2)

BI7.6: Describe the anti- oxidant defence systems in the body: Lecture (2)

BI7.7: Describe the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of conditions such as cancer, complications of diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis; Role in diseases:Lecture (2)

BI8.1:Discuss the importance of various dietary components and explain importance of dietary fibers & macronutrients:

Lecture (2)

BI8.3: Provide dietary advise for optimal health in childhood and adult in disease conditions like diabetes, CAD and in pregnancy(1)

BI8.5: Summarize the nutritional importance of commonly used items of food including fruits and vegetables.

(macromolecules & its importance): Lecture(1)

B11.2 :Describe the preparation of buffers and estimation of pH(2)

BI7.5: Describe the role of xenobiotics in disease(2)

SGD/ tutorials/ integrated learning/ practical/demonstration- 176 hours





Dr. Razi Ahmad


DMC – 76715

Professor & Head  11.02.2017 Regular Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Lecture = 20

SGD      = 10

Endocrine pharmacology,

CNS (Alcohol, Opioid) P-drug concept, evidence-based medicine, prescription auditing, legal and ethical aspect of prescribing

Dr. Tanveer Ahmad Khan

DMC – 108208

Professor Contractual Professor, Govt. Medical College, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh Professor, Govt. Medical College, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh Professor, Govt. Medical College, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh Professor, Govt. Medical College, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh Professor HIMSR Lecture = 16

SGD =10

Cardiovascular pharmacology, CNS (GA and LA)

Dr. Nusrat Nabi


DMC – 81883

Associate Professor


Contractual Demonstrator HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lecture = 20

SGD =10

Antimicrobials, CNS (anti-epileptics, anti-depressant, sedative hypnotic)

Dr. Sana Rehman


DMC – 57163

Assistant Professor Contractual Demonstrator HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lecture = 19

SGD = 10

Autonomic nervous system, Respiratory system and Blood, CNS

Dr. Shreshth Khanna


DMC – 73700

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, MAMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, MAMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, MAMC,

New Delhi

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lecture = 16

SGD = 10

General pharmacology, GIT and Autocoids.



Dr. Sujata Jetley


DMC – DMC – 46412

Professor & Head  09.11.2012 Regular Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR INTRODUCTION TO PATHOLOGY  – 1


Dr. Sabina Khan


DMC – 51549



Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR CELL INJURY-4



Dr. Zeeba Shameem Jairajpuri


DMC – 30182



Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR WOUND HEALING & REPAIR





Dr. Safia Rana


DMC – 11480



Regular Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR EDEMA & ITS CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE








Dr. Shaan Khetrapal


DMC – 33984

Associate Professor


Regular Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR DYSPLASIA & METAPLASIA







SGD: 1



Dr. Nehal Ahmad


DMC – 39924

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR  SGD 1 : Hyperemia , congestion Hemorrhage

Normal haemostasis

SGD2: Exfoliative cytology including the technique & stains used

SGD 3 : Pathogenesis and pathology of cysticercosis.

Pathogenesis and pathology of leprosy

LECTURE 1: Common   cytogenetic abnormality & mutations in childhood

LECTURE 2: Iron metabolism

Etiology, investigations and differential diagnosis of microcytic hypochromic anemia

LECTURE 3 : B12 and the etiology and pathogenesis of B12 deficiency

PA: 15.2 L: laboratory investigations of macrocytic anemia.



Dr. Rubeena Naz Mohroo


DMC – 53689

Assistant Professor Contractual Demonstrator HIMSR Demonstrator HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR CHEMICAL MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION:-LECTURE:1







Dr. Dure Adan


DMC – 10276

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident

Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi

Senior Resident,  Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Senior Resident VMMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR SGD- Define and describe autoimmunity. Enumerate autoimmune disorders.

Describe pathogenesis of common storage disorders in infancy and childhood

Describe the pathogenesis of disorders caused by protein calorie malnutrition and starvation Describe the pathogenesis of obesity and its consequences

Dr. Monal Trisal


DMC – 18210

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident HIMSR Senior Resident HIMSR Assistant Professor, SMS&R Sharda Univ. Noida. Assistant Professor, SMS&R Sharda Univ. Noida. Assistant Professor HIMSR LECTURE- HLA SYSTEM AND TRANSPLANT REJECTION









Dr. Charoo Hans


DMC – 6554

Professor & Head Contractual Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Lectures taken: 10

Topics covered:

·      Infection of GIT

·      Infection of SST (Skin & Soft tissue)

·      General Microbiology

·      Immunology

·      Infections of Cardiovascular System

·      Infection of Hepatobiliary System

·      Hospital Infection Control

·      Infection of Respiratory Tract

·      Infection of Central Nervous System

·      Bloodstream


Dr. Mridu Dudeja


DMC – 21875



Regular Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR
Dr. Rachna Tewari


DMC – 78988

Professor Contractual Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Lectures taken: 20

and practicals taken: 35

Topics of lectures from:

General Microbiology, Immunology, Hospital Infection Control, Infections of CVS, Bloodstream, GIT, Hepatobiliary system, CNS, Respiratory system, Skin and soft tissue, Infections of Genito-urinary tract, Miscellaneous.

Dr. Neetu Shree


DMC – 41176

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR MBBS Lectures: > 20/year

SGD: > 35/year

Topics: General Microbiology



Hospital infection Control

Bacterial genetics

Bacterial identification, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment & resistance mechanisms

Viral identification, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment & resistance mechanisms

Fungal identification, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment & resistance mechanisms

Parasitic identification, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment & resistance mechanisms

Infective syndromes

Dr. Stuti Kaushik


DMC – 09455

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident

Dr. BSA Hospital & Medical College, New Delhi.

Senior Resident

Dr. BSA Hospital & Medical College, New Delhi.

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lectures taken: 20

SGDs and practical taken: 35

Topics of lectures from:

General Microbiology, Immunology, Hospital Infection Control, Infections of CVS, Bloodstream, GIT, Hepatobiliary system, CNS, Respiratory system, Skin and soft tissue, Infections of Genito-urinary tract, Miscellaneous, AETCOM

Topics of SGD: Specimen collection & transport, Gram staining (3), AST, Normal microbial flora, Acid fast staining (3) , Hand hygiene and PPE, Biomedical waste, systemic mycoses and candidiasis, Lab diagnosis of dysentery, Malaria,Diarrheagenic E.coli, Lab diagnosis of viral hepatitis, Lab diagnosis of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, superficial and subcutaneous fungal infections, gram staining of sputum samples, stool microscopy

Dr. Ayan Kumar Das

M.Sc. Ph.D

Assistant Professor Regular Demonstrator HIMSR Demonstrator HIMSR Demonstrator HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lectures taken: 21

SGDs and practical taken: 25

Topics of lectures from:

GIT, Hepatobiliary system, CNS, Respiratory system, Skin and soft tissue, Infections of Genito-urinary tract, Miscellaneous, AETCOM General Microbiology, Immunology, Hospital Infection Control, Infections of CVS, Bloodstream,

Topics of SGD: Malaria, Diarrheagenic E.coli, Lab diagnosis of viral hepatitis, Lab diagnosis of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, superficial and subcutaneous fungal infections, gram staining of sputum samples, stool microscopySpecimen collection & transport, Gram staining (3), AST, Normal microbial flora, Acid fast staining (3) , Hand hygiene and PPE, Biomedical waste, systemic mycoses and candidiasis, Lab diagnosis of dysentery,

Forensic Medicine Dr. Rakesh N. Tandon


DMC – 102541

Professor & Head Contractual Professor, TMU, Moradabad Professor, TMU, Moradabad Professor, SGT, Gurugram Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR 32 lectures; 95 SGD


1. Legal procedures

2. Medical practitioner – Duties and malpractices

3. Ethical and social aspects of medical practice

4. Acts related to medical practice

5. Identification I

6. Identification II

7. Medico legal Autopsy

8. Thanatology

9. Signs of death

10. Asphyxial deaths

11. Injuries

12. Firearm injuries

13. Regional injuries

14. Thermal injuries

15. Transportation injuries

16. Explosion injuries and fall from height

17. Medico legal aspects of injuries

18. Neglect and starvation deaths

19. Radiation sickness, anaesthetic and operative death

20. Infanticide and child abuse

Dr. Shahina


DMC – 40079

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 32 lectures; 95 SGD

1. Criminal abortion

2. Erectile dysfunction and sterility

3. Virginity, Pregnancy and delivery

4. Natural sexual acts

5. Unnatural sexual acts

6. Paraphilia

7. Postmortem artefacts

8. Forensic psychiatry

9. Blood stain analysis

10. Seminal stains and other biological samples

11. DNA Fingerprinting

12. Torture and custodial deaths

13. Medicolegal aspects of HIV

14. Newer techniques and recent advances

15. General toxicology

16. Corrosive poisons

17. Inorganic metallic irritants – Arsenic

18. Inorganic metallic irritants – Mercury

19. Inorganic metallic irritants – Lead

20. Inorganic metallic irritants – Copper

Dr. Sarthak Aeron


DMC – 12537

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, AIIMS, Jodhpur Senior Resident, AIIMS, Jodhpur Senior Resident, AIIMS, Jodhpur Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 32 lectures; 95 SGD

1. Criminal abortion

2. Erectile dysfunction and sterility

3. Virginity, Pregnancy and delivery

4. Natural sexual acts

5. Unnatural sexual acts

6. Paraphilia

7. Postmortem artefacts

8. Forensic psychiatry

9. Blood stain analysis

10. Seminal stains and other biological samples

11. DNA Fingerprinting

12. Torture and custodial deaths

13. Medicolegal aspects of HIV

14. Newer techniques and recent advances

15. General toxicology

16. Corrosive poisons

17. Inorganic metallic irritants – Arsenic

18. Inorganic metallic irritants – Mercury

19. Inorganic metallic irritants – Lead

20. Inorganic metallic irritants – Copper

Community Medicine Dr. Begum Farzana Islam


DMC – 67520

Professor & Head  22.06.2020 Contractual Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  20 Hours

Practical Classes : 33 Hours

National Nutrition Policy

National Health Policy, Cultural Influence in medical Practice, IYCF, Epidemiology

Dr. Sushovan Roy

DMC – 23778



Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  21 Hours

Practical Classes : 32 Hours


Mental Health,

Nutrition Policy ,

Nutrition, Family welfare program, Epidemiology

Dr. Aqsa Shaikh


DMC – 66477



Regular Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  19 Hours

Practical Classes : 36 Hours

International Health, Nutrition, Health Care delivery, Medical Humanities, Health Indicators, Nutrition, Sex Ratio, RCH , Nutrition, Contraceptives, gender issues, immunization, operational research, immunization, AETCOM, Environment, Epidemiology

Dr. Yasir Alvi


DMC – 9565

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, JNMC, AMU, Aligarh Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  30 Hours

Practical Classes : 84 Hours

Communication, E-learning, Health determinants, Demography, Occupational health, ESIC, Nutrition, Research Methodology, National Population Policy, IMNCI, ICDS, IDSP, Community Health, International Health, NHP, Epidemiology, Family Presentation, Case discussion, Biostatistics

Dr. Richa Gautam


DMC – 6804

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  31 Hours

Practical Classes : 81 Hours


Natural History of Diseases, RCH, Nutrition, Infectious diseases Epidemiology, Occupational Disorder, Population Control, Vaccine, Infectious diseases, Emerging Infection, Epidemic Investigation, Urbanization, NIS, Entomology, Contraceptives, National Prog for health care of elderly, PHC, RCH, Community Diagnosis, Socio Cultural, Family Presentation, Case Discussion, Dietary assessment

Dr. Mohammad Rashid


DMC – 15384

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, VMMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, VMMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, VMMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  31 Hours

Practical Classes : 69 Hours

Public Health, demography, Immunization, Socio Economic, Health Care delivery, Adolescent Health, Epidemiology, Essential Medicine, Disease Surveillance, RCH, Disaster Management, Family Study, Epidemiology, Case study, Family Presentation

Dr. Kartikey Yadav


DMC – 80658

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  26 Hours

Practical Classes : 72 Hours

Environment and Disease, field visit & FAP, International Health, Nutrition, Entomology, IEC & BCC, Nutrition, NCD, Vaccination, Entomology, NIS, Family Planning, Disaster Management, Family Study, Epidemiology, Case study, Family Presentation, Health Economics, Epidemiology, IDSP, RCH, Environment, Planning Cycle, Biostatistics

Dr. Shyambhavee


DMC – 10027

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  10 Hours

Practical Classes : 30 Hours

FAP Visits, RCH, IPHS, Study Design, RCH , Contraceptives, NIS, Environment Health, Epidemiology, National Program, Planning Cycle, Management Technique, Epidemiology Exercise


Dr. Azhar Uddin

M.Sc., Ph.D

Statistician Contractual Senior Resident, Puducherry University. Tutor, ICMR-RMR Center, Bhubaneswar Assistant Professor, ICMR-NIMR, New Delhi. Assistant Professor, ICMR-NIMR, New Delhi. Assistant Professor, ICMR-NIMR, New Delhi. Theory Lecture :  5 Hours

Practical Classes : 22 Hours



General Medicine Dr. Sunil Kohli


DMC – 51842

Professor & Head Regular Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  5 Hours

Practical Classes : 28 Hours



Pulmonary Hypertension, proteinuria in

CKD, non-haemorrhagic stroke, rheumatologic disease, Physiotherapy and occupational therapy

Dr. Prem Kapur


DMC – 4699

Professor Contractual Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  5 Hours

Practical Classes : 28 Hours


Peripheral vascular disease, hyperparathyroidism in CKD, haemorrhagic stroke, arthrocentesis, the aetiopathogenesis,


Dr. Mohd. Anwer Habib


DMC – 9377



Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  8 Hours

Practical Classes : 28 Hours


DVT and Pulmonary Embolism, treatment of ARF, different type of meningitis, Parkinson’s syndrome, pathophysiology, stabilization, metabolic acidosis

Dr. Vineet Jain


DMC – 3987



Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  9 Hours

Practical Classes :  56 Hours


Dyslipidaemia, priorities in the management of ARF, various kinds of headache, Rheumatoid Arthritis, osteoporosis in the elderly, metabolic alkalosis, sociocultural, economic, pathophysiology


Dr. Anil Kumar Jain


DMC – 11374

Professor Contractual Professor


New Delhi



New Delhi


NDMC, New Delhi


NDMC, New Delhi

Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  5 Hours

Practical Classes : 28 Hours


chronic renal failure, pathophysiology, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), rheumatologic diseases, aetiopathogenesis, role of physician

Dr. Khan Afreen Mushtaq Ahmad


DMC – 60727

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  9 Hours

Practical Classes :  56Hours


PTCA and CABG, therapy in CKD including, Motor neurm disease, Muscular dystrophies, management of reactive arthritis, aetio-pathogenesis, hyperparathyroidism, respiratory acidosis, socio-cultural and ethical

Dr. Mohammadd Ashraf Khan


DMC – 51963

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  10 Hours

Practical Classes :  56 Hours


ACE inhibitors, aetiology of CRF, Chronic Kidney Disease, renal replacement therapy, Prion Disease, poly-neuropathy, Gilliam bare syndrome (AIDP), rehabilitation of CVA, hypercalcemia, hypokalaemia, medico-legal, socio-cultural, pertaining to medical negligence

Dr. Afroz Jamal


DMC – 6118

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident


New Delhi

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  11 Hours

Practical Classes :  56Hours


arrhythmias shock LV dysfunction papillary, Ataxic Disorder, intracranial pressure, myasthenia gravis, syndrome/ fibromyalgia, spondyloarthopathies, Ankylosing spondylitis, aetiopathogenesis, clinical, hyperkalaemia, features of respiratory alkalosis, defend medico legal, consent for surgical procedures

Dr. Dharmander Singh


DMC – 13743

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, MAMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, MAMC,

New Delhi

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  13 Hours

Practical Classes :  64 Hours


coronary angiogram, renal replacement therapy, pharmacology, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), Disorders of Autonomic nervous system, common malignancies, Dementia in the elderly, aetiopathogenesis, neoplasia syndrome, roles of a physician, fertilization donor, defend medico-legal, socio-cultural

Dr. Arvind Kumar


DMC – 10021

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  12 Hours

Practical Classes :  84 Hours


history and outcomes, treatment of renal failure, Glomerular disease particularly, Trigeminal neuralgia, to joint pain based on the pathophysiology, cerebrovascular accident, complications and cause of death for common cancers, Acute confusional states, depression in the elderly, hyponatremia, non-maleficence as a guiding principle in patient care, industry relationships


Dr. Rosmy Jose


DMC – 81009

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  12 Hours

Practical Classes :  64Hours


atherosclerosis and IHD, acute renal failure, Nephrolithiasis, tubercular and viral meningitis, Seizure and Epilepsy , treatment of bacterial, Relationship between infection & cancer, rehabilitation of vascular events in the elderly, demographic changes in ageing on the population, patient with hyponatremia, guiding principle in patient care, community that she/ he serves

Dr. Rashmi Rajput


DMC – 85559

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Senior Resident, LHMC,

New Delhi

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  12 Hours

Practical Classes :  64 Hours


pathogenesis natural history evolution, disorders of Tubule growth and development, Approach to patient with Haematuria, haemorrhagic and non-haemorrhagic stroke, Disease if spinal cord (Compressive/ non compressive myelopathy), modifiable risk factors for common malignancies in India, tumor markers in common cancers, biopsies, interpretation of results of Chest X Ray, mammogram, discuss the epidemiology, ethical issues in the care of the elderly, guiding principle in patient care, pertains to organ donation

Dr. Sajad Ul Islam Mir


DMC – 73590

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident,

Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi

DM Endocrinology DM Endocrinology DM Endocrinology Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  10 Hours

Practical Classes : 20 Hours


Hypothyroidism, Pheochromocytoma, Multiple Endocrine Plasia, Autoimmune polyendocrine Syndrome

Hypopituharism, Cushing’s syndrome, Discuss management of Adrenal crises, Anterior polytary hormone deficiency, causes, clinical features, investigation and management of Acromegaly, O steoforrosis,

Dr. Bilal Ahmad Wani


DMC – 73406

Assistant Professor Contractual DrNB Gastroenterology DrNB Gastroenterology DrNB Gastroenterology Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  15 Hours

Practical Classes : 20 Hours


dyslipidemia in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, Tubule intestinal disease of kidney,

Dr. Sweta Singla


DMC – 1581

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident


Assistant Professor HIMSR Theory Lecture :  15 Hours

Practical Classes : 20 Hours


D amentia including Alziemer, disease, patient with Azotaemia, Motor neuron disease, Prion Disease

Ataxic Disorder

Respiratory Medicine Dr. Sumeera Banday

DMC – 8313

Professor & Head


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 13 Lectures

1.     Recognize The Impact Of Oad On Patients Quality Of Life , Wellbeing, Work And Family

2.     Discuss Epidemiology , Clinical Features, Types, Mode Of Transmission, Pathogenesis, Natural History Complications Of Ptb & Eptb [Including Ln/ Bone & Cns]

3.     Discuss Various Diagnostic Tool For Tuberculosis

4.     Describe And Discuss The Principle And Use Of Oxygen Therapy In Hospital And At Home.

5.     Counsel The Patient With Asthma On Correct Use Of Inhalers In A Simulated Environment

6.     Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Manifestations, Diagnosis & Treatment.

7.     Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.

8.     Tb In Special Situations.

9.     Bronchial Asthma

10. Sarcoidosis

11. Occupational Lung Disease

12. Bronchieactasis & Lung Abscess. Introduction To Tuberculosis



Dr. Mukesh Manjhi


DMC – 05242

Professor & Head


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 14 lectures

SGT: 3


Sexually transmitted diseases prevention, SLE, Skin Tumours

Dr. Shafia Nisar Kakroo


DMC – 78887

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 14

SGT: 2

Eczema, geriatric skin problems,

Dr. MD. Ashraf Jamal


DMC – 86299

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident HIMSR Senior Resident HIMSR Senior Resident HIMSR Senior Resident HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 12

SGT: 2

Scabies, cutaneous disease in diabetes, thyroid disorders

Psychiatry Dr. Manjeet Singh Bhatia

DMC – 6423

Professor & Head Contractual Professor UCMS, New Delhi Professor UCMS, New Delhi Professor UCMS, New Delhi Professor UCMS, New Delhi Professor UCMS, New Delhi
Dr. Nimmi A. Jose


DMC – 05472



Contractual Assistant Professor CMC, Ludhiana Assistant Professor CMC, Ludhiana Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 1.Organic psychiatric disorders

2. psychotic vs non psychotic disorders

3.Magnitude, etiology and treatment of depression

4.Anxiety disorders

5.Stress related disorders

6.Personality disorders


8. Mental health laws in India

Dr. Bushra Zahoor

DMC – 19060

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident LHMC, New Delhi Senior Resident LHMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR 1.Treatment of stress related disorders

2.Management of personality disorders

3.Psychiatric disorders in childhood & adolescents

4.Psychiatric emergencies

5.Legal & ethical issues in Psychiatry




Dr. Devki Nandan


DMC – 6450

Professor & Head Contractual Professor, ABVIMS, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi. Professor, ABVIMS, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi. Professor, ESIC, Faridabad. Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR 37- theory lectures and clinical Undergraduate

Discuss the common causes, clinical presentation, medico-legal implications of abuse

·      AETCOM

·      Enumerate the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications and management of chronic kidney disease in children.

·      Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of Nasopharyngitis


·      Discuss the etiopathogenesis of Pharyngotonsillitis


·      Discuss the clinical

features and management of Pharyngotonsillitis

·      Define development and Discuss the normal developmental

milestones with respect to motor, behaviour, social, adaptive and language

·      Discuss the methods of assessment of development.

·      Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation and multidisciplinary approach in the management of cerebral palsy

·      Describe adolescent sexuality and common problems related to it

·      Enumerate the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features, complications and management of acute post-streptococcal Glomerular Nephritis in children


·      Developmental

·      Assessment of a

ChildElicit, document and present history pertaining to diarrheal diseases

Assess for signs of dehydration, document and present

·      Apply the IMNCI Guidelines in risk stratification of children with diarrheal dehydration and refer.

·      Assess airway and breathing: recognize signs of severe respiratory distress. Check for cyanosis, severe chest in drawing, grunting

·      Respiratory system history taking

·      Assess airway and breathing: recognize signs of severe respiratory distress. Check for cyanosis, severe chest in drawing, grunting

·      Respiratory system history taking

·      Analyze symptoms and interpret physical signs to make a provisional/ differential diagnosis

·      Interpret CBC, LFT

·      Enumerate the referral criteria for Hematological conditions

·      Counsel and educate patients about prevention and treatment of anemia

·      Perform examination of the abdomen, demonstrate organomegaly

·      Analyse symptoms and interpret physical signs to make a provisional/ differential diagnosis

·      Interpret CBC, LFT

·      Observe the administration of UIP vaccines

Identify external markers of a cardiac disease e.g. Cyanosis, Clubbing, dependent edema, dental caries, arthritis, erythema rash, chorea, subcutaneous nodules,

Oslers node, Janeway lesions and document

Record pulse, blood pressure, temperature and respiratory rate and interpret as per the age

·      Elicit, document and present age appropriate history of a child with upper respiratory problem including Stridor

Analyse the clinical symptoms and interpret physical findings and make a provisional / differential diagnosis in a child with ENT symptoms

·      Develop a treatment plan and document appropriately in a child with upper respiratory symptoms

·      Able to elicit, document and present history of contact with tuberculosis in every patient encounter

·      Identify a BCG scar

·      Interpret a Mantoux test

·      Interpret a Chest Radiograph

·      Interpret blood tests in the context of laboratory evidence for tuberculosis


·      Discuss the various samples for demonstrating the organism e.g. Gastric Aspirate, Sputum , CSF, FNAC

·      History and

Examination of Respiratory system

·      Assessment of a child with developmental delay – Elicit document and present history

·      Assessment of a normal neonate

Assess for signs of severe dehydration


·      Anthropometry

and its Interpretation

·      History Taking in

Pediatrics: Special Considerations

Dr. Sangita Yadav


DMC – 6556

Professor Contractual Director Professor, MAMC, New Delhi Professor Excellence, MAMC, New Delhi Professor Excellence, MAMC, New Delhi Professor, NDMC, New Delhi. Professor HIMSR 11 lecture

Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features , complications, management and prevention of meningitis in children

Distinguish bacterial, viral and tuberculous meningitis


Discuss the Hemodynamic changes, clinical presentation, complications and management of acyanotic Heart Diseases -VSD, ASD and PDA


Revision Class

Enumerate the etio-pathogenesis Clinical features, complications and management of acute post-streptococcal

Glomerular Nephritis in Children


Describe the common etiology, clinical features and management of obesity in children


Define Adolescence and stages of adolescence

Describe the physical, physiological and psychological changes during adolescence (Puberty)


Discuss the general health problems during adolescence


Discuss the role of screening for Vitamin D deficiency

Discuss vit D resistant rickets


Discuss the RDA, dietary sources of Iron and their role in health and disease

Discuss the RDA, dietary sources of Calcium and its role in health and disease

Describe the causes, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Calcium Deficiency

Discuss the RDA, dietary sources of Magnesium and their role in health and disease

Describe the causes, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Magnesium Deficiency

List and explain the components, plan, outcome of Reproductive Child Health (RCH) program and appraise its monitoring and evaluation

Enumerate the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features, complications and management of Wilms Tumor.

Recognize common surgical conditions of  THE genitourinary system and enumerate the indications for referral including Phimosis, undescended testis, Chordee, hypospadiasis, Torsion testis, hernia Hydrocele, Vulval Synechiae

Dr. Afreen Khan


DMC – 53734

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 25/year- theory lectures Undergraduate

·      Urinary tract Infection

·      Thermoregulation in newborn

·      Raised intracranial tension

·      Status epilepticus

·      AETCOM

·      Approach to anemia

·      Fever without focus

·      Enuresis

·      Approach to failure to thrive

·      Common poisonings

·      Vitamin C deficiency

·      Vitamin D deficiency

·      Growth Charts

·      Adolescent friendly health services

·      Immunization and vaccinology

·      Diarrheal diseases

·      Growth related problems

·      Referral of a sick newborn

·      Seizures in pediatric age group



Dr. Neha Bansal


DMC – 6935

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor, SMS&R, Sharda, Noida Assistant Professor, SMS&R, Sharda, Noida Assistant Professor, SMS&R, Sharda, Noida Assistant Professor HIMSR 1.Enumerate the common causes of fever and discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications and management of child with exanthematous illnesses like Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Chicken pox

2.Identify, discuss and defend medico-legal, socio-cultural and ethical issues  as they pertain to health care in children (including parental rights and right to refuse treatment)

3. Enumerate the Neural tube defects. Discuss the causes, clinical features, types, and management of Neural Tube defect

4.Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features, complications and management of Febrile seizures in children

5. Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Mental retardation in children

6.The foundations of communication

7. Accidental poisonings

8Discuss  the etio-pathogenesis, clinical types, presentations,  complication and management of Diabetes mellitus in children


9 Define the terminologies Growth and Development and Discuss the factors affecting normal growth and development


10Discuss and Describe the patterns of growth in infants, children and adolescents

Enumerate available newer vaccines and their indications including penta-valent pneumococcal, rotavirus, JE, typhoid IPV & HPV


Dr. Sana Salim Khan


DMC – 75864

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, NDMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, NDMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR NO OF LECTURES-

2020 BATCH-10

2019 BATCH-9


2020 BATCH-

·      Discuss the- etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of a child with short stature

·      Discuss the causes and approach to a child with scholastic backwardness


Discuss the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of a child with learning disabilities.

·      Discuss the role of child guidance clinic in children with behavioral problems and the referral criteria.

·      Awareness on the cultural beliefs and practices of breastfeeding

Explain the Physiology of lactation

Describe the composition and types of breast milk and Discuss the differences between cow’s milk and Human milk

Discuss the advantages of breast milk

·      Discuss the RDA, dietary sources of Vitamin A and their role in health and disease.


·      Discuss the RDA, dietary sources of Vitamin E and its role in health and disease



·      Discuss the fluid and electrolyte requirement in health and disease

Discuss the clinical features and complications of fluid and electrolyte imbalance and outline the management.




·      Discuss the etiology, clinical features and management of birth injuries.

Discuss the etiology, clinical features and management of hemorrhagic disease of newborn

Discuss the clinical characteristics, complications and management of low birth weight (preterm and small for gestation).

·      Identify clinical presentations of common surgical conditions in the newborn including TEF, esophageal atresia, anal atresia, cleft lip and palate, congenital diaphragmatic hernia and causes of acute abdomen.

2019 BATCH

·      Enumerate the common


problems in children.

Discuss the clinical

approach to recognition

and referral of a child

with Rheumatological


Describe the diagnosis

and management of

common vasculitic

disorders including

Henoch Schonlein

Purpura, Kawasaki,Disease, SLE, JIA.

·      Discuss the types of fluid

used in Paediatric diarrheal

diseases and their composition.

·      Discuss the physiological

basis of ORT, types of


and the composition of

various types of ORS in



·      Enumerate the indications

of Upper GI endoscopy.

·      Enumerate the

common causes of

fever and discuss the


clinical features,

complications and

management of child

with Typhoid.


Dr. Mohd. Ayub Ansari


DMC – 60646

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi. Senior Resident, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi. Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 14 lectures (MBBS 2019 batch.

·       Discuss the approach and referral criteria to a child with hematuria

·       Discuss the Hemodynamic changes, clinical presentation, complications and management of Cyanotic Heart Diseases – Fallot Physiology

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of Infective endocarditis in children

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, classification, clinical presentation and management of diarrheal diseases in children.

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of acute hepatitis in children

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of Fulminant Hepatic Failure in children

·       Discuss the etiology, clinical presentation and management of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in children

·       Discuss the etiology, clinical presentation and management of lymphoma in children

·       Discuss the approach to and management of a child with headache

·       Interpret and explain the findings in a CSF analysis

·       Describe the etio-pathogenesis,  management and prevention of Allergic Rhinitis in Children

·       Describe the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Atopic dermatitis  in Children

·       Enumerate the common causes of fever and discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications and management of child with Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus.

·       Enumerate the common causes of fever and discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications and management of child with Ricketsial diseases

Dr. Rashmi Hooda


DMC – 72880

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, PGIMS, Rohtak Senior Resident, ESIC, Faridabad Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 10 lectures and clinical ward posting classes taken for 2020 batch and 9 lectures and clinical posting classes taken for 2019 batch

·      Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of a child who fails to thrive

·      Discuss etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of a child with autism

·      Discuss the RDA, dietary sources of Vitamin B and its role in health and disease

·      Describe the causes, clinical features, diagnosis and management of deficiency of B complex vitamins

·      Discuss the National anemia control program and its recommendations

State the vision and outline the goals, strategies and plan of action of NHM and other important national programs pertaining to maternal and child health including RMNCH A+, RBSK, RKSK, JSSK, mission

·      Indradhanush and ICDS

·      Discuss the temperature regulation in neonates, clinical features and management of Neonatal Hypothermia

Discuss the approach and referral

Criteria to a child with Proteinuria


·       Discuss the approach and referral criteria to a child with Hematuria

·       Describe the etiopathogenesis, grading, clinical features and management of hypertension in children

·       Discuss the indications and limitations of Cardiac catheterization

·       Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, classification,  clinical features, complication and management of Hydrocephalus in children

·       Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, classification, clinical features, and management of Microcephaly  in children

·       Enumerate  the causes of floppiness in an infant and discuss the clinical features, differential diagnosis and management

·       Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features, management and prevention of Poliomyelitis in children

·       Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Duchene muscular dystrophy

·       Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Ataxia  in children

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation and management of cardiac failure in infant and children

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation and management of Acute Rheumatic Fever in children

·       Discuss the clinical features, complications, diagnosis, management and prevention of Acute Rheumatic Fever

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, classification, clinical presentation and management of diarrheal diseases in children.

·       Discuss the classification and clinical presentation of various types of diarrheal dehydration

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation and management of cardiac failure in infant and children

·       Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation and management of Acute Rheumatic Fever in children

·       Discuss the clinical features, complications, diagnosis, management and prevention of Acute Rheumatic Fever

·       Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical approach and management of cardiorespiratory arrest in children

·       Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical approach and management of Status epilepticus

·       Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical approach and management of an unconscious child

·       Discuss oxygen therapy, in Pediatric emergencies and modes of administration

·       Explain the need and process of triage of sick children brought to health facility

Enumerate the common causes of fever and discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications and management of children with Common Parasitic infections, malaria, leishmaniasis, filariasis, helminthic infestations, amebiasis, giardiasis

Dr. Lucky Manik


DMC – 78097

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, RML, New Delhi Senior Resident, RML, New Delhi Senior Resident, ESI, PGIMSR, Basaidarapur, New Delhi. Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Define the terminologies Growth and Development and Discuss the factors affecting normal growth and development


Discuss and Describe the patterns of growth in infants, children and adolescents

Discuss the role of the child developmental unit in

management of developmental delay

Discuss the referral criteria for children with developmental delay

Describe diagnosis & mx of thumb sucking

Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and management of feeding problems

Define and Describe the etiopathogenesis, classify including WHO classification, clinical features, complication and management of severe acute malnourishment (SAM) and moderate acute

Malnutrition (MAM)

Outline the clinical approach to a child with SAM and


Enumerate the role of locally prepared therapeutic diets and ready to use therapeutic diets

Describe the common etiology, clinical features and management of obesity in children

Discuss the risk approach for obesity and Discuss the prevention strategies

Discuss criteria for referral

Discuss the risk factors, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Lead Poisoning

Discuss the risk factors, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Kerosene aspiration

Discuss the risk factors, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Organophosphorus poisoning

Discuss the risk factors, clinical features, diagnosis and management of paracetamol poisoning

Discuss the risk factors, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Oxygen toxicity

Demonstrate willingness to participate in the national and subnational immunization days

Describe the components of safe vaccine practice – Patient education/ counselling; adverse events following immunization, safe injection practices, documentation and medico-legal implications

Describe the etio pathogenesis, grading, clinical features and management of hypertension in children

Discuss the indications and limitations of Cardiac catheterization

Enumerate some common cardiac surgeries like BT shunt, Potts and Waterston’s and corrective surgeries

Demonstrate empathy while dealing with children with cardiac diseases in every patient encounter

Discuss the role of antibiotics, antispasmodics, antisecretory drugs, probiotics, anti-emetics in acute diarrheal diseases

Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation and management of Malabsorption in Children and its causes including celiac disease.

Discuss the epidemiology, clinical features, clinical types, complications of Tuberculosis in Children and  Adolescents

Discuss the various diagnostic tools for childhood tuberculosis

Discuss the various regimens for management of Tuberculosis  as per National Guidelines

Discuss the preventive strategies adopted and the objectives and outcome of the National Tuberculosis Control Program

Enumerate the newer diagnostic tools for Tuberculosis including BACTEC CBNAAT and their indications

Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of Acute Otitis Media (AOM)

Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of Epiglottitis

Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of Acute laryngotracheobronchitis

Discuss the etiology, clinical features and management of Stridor in children

Discuss the types, clinical presentation, and management of foreign body aspiration in infants and children

Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of Hemolytic anemia, Thalassemia

Major, Sickle cell anemia, Hereditary spherocytosis, Auto-immune hemolytic anemia and hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Discuss  the etio-pathogenesis, clinical types, presentations,  management and prevention of childhood Asthma

Discuss the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and complications and management of Urticaria Angioedema

Dr. Shireen Fatima



Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, NMCH, Patna Senior Resident, JLNMCH, Bhagalpur Senior Resident, JLNMCH, Bhagalpur Senior Resident, HIMSR
General Surgery


Dr. Ajay Kumar Thakral


DMC – 24837

Professor & Head


Contractual Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR 35 to 40/year Lectures, small group  teaching, seminar, clinical teaching,



1.          Describe the clinical features of acute pancreatitis

2.          Describe management of complications of pancreatitis.


3.          Describe the clinical features of Tumors of Liver.


4.          Describe Investigations of tumours of the liver.

5.           Describe principles of management tumours of the liver.


6.          Approach to a patient of acute pancreatitis.


7.          Discuss various scoring systems of acute pancreatitis.


8.          Approach to a patient with lump in Right hypochondrium.


9.          Discuss the clinical features of liver trauma.


10.      Describe investigations of liver trauma.


11.      Describe principles of management of liver trauma.


12.      Describe Aseptic techniques, sterilization and disinfection.


13.      Describe surgical approaches, incisions in Surgery in general.


14.      Describe  and the use of appropriate instruments in Surgery in general.


15.      Describe the applied anatomy of adrenal glands


16.      Describe the etiology, clinical features of disorders of adrenal gland



Skills Lab Class

17.    Basic suturing (I)

18.    Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

19.    Wound bandaging(I)

20.    Wound Care(I)


Clinical Class

21.      Examination of the right upper quadrant lump.

22.      Case of bleeding pr

23.      Examination of RIF lump

24.      Examination of a scrotal swelling.

25.      Examination of a breast swelling.

26.      Examination of thyroid swelling

27.      Examination of a pelvic mass.


Dr. Musharraf Husain


DMC – 51335



Regular Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR 30/ year Lectures, small group  teaching, seminar, clinical teaching,

1.      management of disorders of adrenal gland


2.          Describe the clinical features of Adrenal tumors.


3.          Describe principles of investigation and management of Adrenal tumors.


4.          Describe the Planning and conduct of Surgical audit.


5.          Discuss the principles and steps of clinical research in General Surgery.


6.          Describe the etiology of disorders of adrenal gland.


7.          Clinical features and principles of management of disorders of adrenal gland.

Clinical Class


1.      Examination of varicose veins

2.          Examination of an ulcer

3.          Examination of an epigastric lump.

4.          Examination of superficial swelling

5.          Examination of a inguinal hernia

6.          Examination of a acute abdomen


Dr. Divya Prasad


DMC – 58897

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 25-35 lectures/year


1.     Describe pathophysiology, clinical features, Investigations and principles of management of ventral (except incisional) Hernias.

2.     Describe pathophysiology, clinical features, Investigations and principles of management of incisional Hernias.

3.     Describe Splenomegaly, hypersplenism and indications of splenectomy.

4.     Describe post-splenectomy sepsis, prophylaxis.

5.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of management of bile duct injuries and biliary strictures.

6.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of  carcinoma of rectum and anal canal.

7.     Describe the etiology, clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of  perianal abscess and fistula in ano

8.     Describe the applied anatomy clinical features, investigations and  principles of  management of scrotal abscess and fournier’s gangrene.

9.     Discuss the management of locally advanced and metastatic carcinoma breast.

10. Approach to patient with Gynaecomastia

11. Discuss various types of breast surgeries


12. Counsel the patient and obtain informed consent for treatment of  malignant conditions of the breast.


13.  Discuss clinical features, investigations and principles of management of choledocholithiasis


14. Approach to a patient with bleeding per rectum

15. Discuss the applied anatomy clinical features, investigations and  principles of  management of epidydimo-orchitis and torsion testis

16. Describe principles of providing post-operative pain relief and management of chronic pain.

17. Describe etiopathogenesis of oral cancer symptoms and signs of oropharyngeal cancer

18. Enumerate the appropriate investigations and discuss the principles of treatment

19. Describe the applied anatomy and physiology of thyroid

20. Describe the etiopathogenesis of thyroidal swellings

21. Demonstrate and document the correct clinical examination of thyroid swellings and discus the differential diagnosis and their management

22. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features and principles of management of benign breast disease including infections of the breast

23. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, Investigations of carcinoma breast.

24. Elaborate the principles of treatment of  carcinoma breast.

25. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, Investigations and principles of treatment of phylloid breast and paget’s disease

26. Describe Pathophysiology of shock, types of shock & principles of resuscitation including fluid replacement and monitoring.

27. Counsel patients and family/ friends for blood transfusion and blood donation


Skills Lab Class

28. Basic suturing (I)

29. Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

30. Wound bandaging(I)

31. Wound Care(I)



Clinical Class

32. Examination of the right upper quadrant lump.

33. Case of bleeding pr

34. Examination of RIF lump

35. Examination of a scrotal swelling.

36. Examination of a breast swelling.

37. Examination of thyroid swelling

38. Examination of a pelvic mass.

39. Examination of varicose veins

Dr. Sachin Katyal

MS, M.Ch.

DMC – 903

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 25-30

1.     Describe clinical features, investigations and principles of management of vasospastic disorders

2.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of management of infective enteritis, Meckel’s diverticulitis.

3.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of Crohn’s disease

4.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of management of mesenteric ischemia & short gut syndrome

5.     Describe stoma-indications,         types, management complications.

6.     Describe applied anatomy including congenital anomalies of the rectum and anal canal

7.     Describe the etiology, clinical features, investigations and principles of management of rectal prolapse

8.     Describe the applied anatomy clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of undescended testis.

9.     Describe the applied anatomy of small and large intestine

10. Approach  to a patient with acute abdomen

11. Discuss anatomy, etiology, clinical features, investigations, differentials and principles of management of appendicitis and its complications.

12.  surgeries on upper urinary tract

13. Discuss the applied anatomy, clinical features, investigations and  principles of management of  Hydrocele

14. Define and describe the aetiology and pathogenesis of surgical Infections

15. Describe the materials and methods used for surgical wound closure and anastomosis (sutures, knots and needles)

16. Describe the materials and methods used for surgical wound closure and anastomosis (sutures, knots and needles)

17. Describe the materials and methods used for surgical wound closure and anastomosis (sutures, knots and needles)

18. Describe principles of Preoperative assessment.

19. Communicate and counsel patients and families about the treatment and prognosis of shock demonstrating empathy and care


20. Basic suturing(I)

21. Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

22. Basic suturing

23. Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

Clinical classes

24. Examination of undescended testis

25. Examination of an umbilical swelling

26. Examination of a case of hypospadias


Dr. Fahad Tauheed


DMC – 73697

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor. SMS&R, Sharda Univ. Noida Assistant Professor. SMS&R, Sharda Univ. Noida Assistant Professor. SMS&R, Sharda Univ. Noida Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR 30 to 35 / year

1.    Describe the applied anatomy of parathyroid

2.    Describe and discuss the  clinical features of hypo – and hyperparathyroidism and the principles of their management

3.    Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of management of portal hypertension

4.    Describe the applied anatomy of liver. Describe the clinical features, Investigations and principles of management of hydatid disease of the liver

5.    Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of renal tumours

6.    Describe the etiology, clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of bladder cancer

7.    Approach to a patient of hypo – and hyperparathyroidism.

8.    Discuss the clinical features, investigations and principles of management of liver abscess

9.    Discuss the clinical features, investigations and  principles of  management of Cholangiocarcinoma

10. Approach to a patient with renal mass

11. Describe surgical anatomy of the salivary glands, pathology, and clinical presentation of disorders of salivary glands

12. Describe surgical anatomy of the salivary glands, pathology, and clinical presentation of disorders of salivary glands

13. Enumerate the appropriate investigations and describe the principles of treatment of disorders of salivary glands

14. Enumerate the appropriate investigations and describe the principles of treatment of disorders of salivary glands

15. Enumerate the appropriate investigations and describe the principles of treatment of disorders of salivary glands

16. Discuss the principles of general, regional, and local Anaesthesia.

17. Describe the Indications and appropriate use of blood and blood products and complications of blood transfusion


18. Basic suturing (I)

19. Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

20. Basic bandaging (I)

21. Basic wound care


Clinical Class

22. Examination of the right upper quadrant lump.

23. Case of bleeding pr

24. Examination of RIF lump

25. Examination of a scrotal swelling.

26. Examination of a breast swelling.

27. Examination of thyroid swelling

28. Examination of a pelvic mass.

29. Examination of varicose veins

30  Examination of a case of       pain upper abdomen

31 examination of a case of pain right hypochondrium


Dr. Manzoor Ahmad


DMC – 60271

Associate  Professor Contractual Senior Resident,  HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 15-20


1.   Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of management of malignant disorders of Esophagus

2.   Describe the Clinical features, Investigations and principles of management of urinary tract infections

3.   Describe the applied anatomy of venous system of lower limb

4.   Describe pathophysiology, clinical features, Investigations and principles of management and prophylaxis of DVT

5.   Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of splenic injuries

6.   Discuss the symptomatology and  investigations of disorders of the urinary tract (1)

7.   Approach to a patient with haematuria

8.   Approach to a patient with inguinoscrotal swelling

9.   Demonstrate the techniques of asepsis and suturing in a simulated environment.

10. Describe the pathogenesis, clinical features and management of various cutaneous and subcutaneous infections.

11. Describe and demonstrate the clinical examination of surgical patient including swelling and order relevant investigation for diagnosis. Describe and discuss appropriate treatment plan

12. Describe the clinical features, classification and principles of management of thyroid cancer

13. Define and describe the aetiology and pathogenesis of surgical Infections

14. Enumerate Prophylactic and therapeutic antibiotics. Plan appropriate management


15. Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

16. Early management of trauma (I) and trauma life support (D

Clinical classes

17. Case of bleeding pr

18. Examination of RIF lump

19. Examination of a scrotal swelling.

20. Examination of a breast swelling.




Dr. Tajamul Rashid


DMC – 60077

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident HIMSR Senior Resident HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 20-30


1.     Describe the principles of management of disorders of adrenal gland.

2.     Describe the etiology and clinical features, principles of investigation and management of adrenal tumors.

3.     Describe investigations, principles of management of Peptic ulcer disease and sequelae of peptic ulcer surgeries.

4.     discuss the applied anatomy of adrenal glands, approach to a patient of phaeochromocytoma

5.     Revise and discuss the applied anatomy of adrenal glands

Approach to a patient of phaeochromocytoma.

6.     Describe pathophysiology, clinical features, Investigations and  principles of management of Inguinal Hernias

7.     Describe the applied anatomy and physiology and investigations of stomach.

8.     Discuss the approach to a patient with gastric outlet obstruction

9.     Discuss the etiology and clinical features of Peptic ulcer disease.

10. Approach to a patient with haematemesis and malaena

11. Approach to a patient with retention of urine

12. Enumerate the causes and consequences of malnutrition in the surgical patient

13. Describe and discuss the methods of estimation and replacement of the fluid and electrolyte requirements in the surgical patient

14. Discuss the nutritional requirements of surgical patients, the methods of providing nutritional support and their complications

15. Describe classification of hospital waste and appropriate methods of disposal.

16. Describe the pathophysiology of chest injuries.

17. Describe the clinical features and principles of management of chest injuries.

18. Describe the principles of management of disorders of adrenal gland.

19. Describe the etiology and clinical features, principles of investigation and management of adrenal tumors.

20. Describe investigations, principles of management of Peptic ulcer disease and sequelae of peptic ulcer surgeries.

21. Describe pathophysiology, clinical features, Investigations and  principles of management of Inguinal Hernias

22. Describe the applied anatomy and physiology and investigations of stomach.

23. Describe basic concepts of perioperative care.


Skills Lab Class

24. Basic suturing (I)

25. Early management of trauma (I) and trauma life support (D)

26. Basic bandaging (I)

27. Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

28. Wound Care(I)


Clinical Class

29. Hernia examination



Dr. Sheikh Viqar  Manzoor


DMC – 76060

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, GMC, Srinagar Senior Resident HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 35-40

1.     Describe the clinical features, principles of investigation, prognosis and management of pancreatic endocrine tumours.


2.     Describe pathophysiology, clinical features, Investigations and principles of management of Varicose veins.


3.     Describe pathophysiology, clinical features, investigations and principles of management of Lymph oedema, lymphangitis and Lymphomas.


4.     Revise applied anatomy and describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of management of tumours of large intestine.


5.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of phimosis, paraphimosis and carcinoma penis.


6.     Approach to a patient with

7.     Dysphagia

8.     Corrosive injury of oesophagus and oesophageal perforation

9.     Approach to a patient with intestinal obstruction (1)

10. Discuss various surgeries on large bowel

11. Describe principles of Preoperative assessment.

12. Minimally invasive General Surgery: Describe indications advantages and disadvantages of Minimally invasive General Surgery.

13. Demonstrate the steps in Basic Life Support.Transport of injured patient in a simulated environment.

14. Describe the Principles in management of mass casualties.

15. Describe the applied anatomy of parathyroid.

16. Describe and discuss the clinical features of hypo – and hyperparathyroidism and the principles of their management.

17. Counsel patients and family/ friends for blood transfusion and blood donation.



Skills Lab Class

18. Early management of trauma (I) and trauma life support (D)

19. Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

20. Basic suturing

21. Basic bandaging

22. Basic wound care

Clinical Class

23. Examination of the right upper quadrant lump.

24. Case of bleeding pr

25. Examination of RIF lump

26. Examination of a scrotal swelling.

27. Examination of a breast swelling.

28. Examination of thyroid swelling

29. Examination of a pelvic mass.

30. Examination of varicose veins

31. Examination of an ulcer

32. Examination of an epigastric lump.

33. Examination of superficial swelling

34. Examination of a inguinal hernia

35.  Examination of a acute abdomen

Dr. Vijender Verma


DMC – 6082

Assistant Professor Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR 20-25

1.     Describe causes, clinical features, complications and principles of managament of peritonitis.

2.     Describe the applied anatomy and investigations of the biliary system.

3.     Describe the predispositions, clinical features, investigations and  principles of  management of  carcinoma gall bladder.

4.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of management of congenital anomalies of genitourinary system.

5.     Describe the etiology, clinical features, investigations and principles of management of carcinoma prostate.

6.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of benign conditions of prostate.

7.     Discuss urogenital tuberculosis.

8.     Describe the applied anatomy clinical features, investigations and  principles of  management of varicocele

9.     Describe the applied anatomy and physiology of thyroid

10. Describe the etiopathogenesis of thyroidal swellings.

Skills Lab Class

11. Basic bandaging (I)

12. Basic suturing (I)

13. Basic wound care

Clinical Class

14. Examination of the right upper quadrant lump.

15. Case of bleeding pr

16. Examination of RIF lump

17. Examination of a scrotal swelling.

18. Examination of a breast swelling.

19. Examination of thyroid swelling

20. Examination of a pelvic mass.


Dr. Anwar Hussain



Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, GMC, Jammu Senior Resident, GMC, Jammu Senior Resident, GMC, Jammu Assistant Professor HIMSR 1.     Describe pathophysiology, clinical features, investigations and  principles of  management of  Intra-abdominal abscess, mesenteric cyst, and retroperitoneal tumors.

2.     Describe the clinical features, investigations and principles of  management of neoplasms of appendix.

3.     Describe clinical features, investigations and management of urethral strictures.

4.     Revision on

a.     Small and large intestine

b.     Anorectal disorders


5.     Discuss various surgeries on prostate gland

6.     Approach to a patient with trauma of lower urinary tract

7.     Describe Basic concepts of homeostasis, enumerate the metabolic changes in injury and their mediators.

8.     Describe Pathophysiology of shock, types of shock & principles of resuscitation including fluid replacement and monitoring.


Skills Lab Class

9.     Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

10. Basic suturing

11. Basic bandaging

Dr. Yasir Iqbal Lone


DMC – 80185

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident. GMC, Srinagar Assistant Professor HIMSR Skills Lab Class

1.          Basic suturing(I)

2.          Wound bandaging(I)

Clinical class

3.          Examination of a case of hematuria.

4.          Examination of a case retention of urine.

Dr. Bilal Yousuf Mir


DMC – 55344

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, GMC, Srinagar Senior Resident, GMC, Srinagar Senior Resident, GMC, Srinagar Senior Resident, SSH, Srinagar Senior Resident, SSH, Srinagar Lectures, small group  teaching,    seminar, clinical teaching,

10 to 20 / year.



1.     Describe the clinical features and principles of investigation of pancreatic exocrine tumors

2.      Discuss the prognosis and management of pancreatic exocrine tumours.

3.     Describe the clinical features, principles of investigation of pancreatic endocrine tumors.

4.     Discuss the prognosis and management of pancreatic endocrine tumours.

5.     Describe the investigations and principles of treatment of occlusive arterial disease.

6.     Approach to a patient of carcinoma pancreas.

7.     Discuss various types of tumour syndromes of endocrine cells of pancreas.

8.     Revision of disorders of



9.     Discuss normal wound healing and factors affecting healing.

10. Discuss history & presentation in a patient with wounds.


Skills Lab Classes

Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)

Dr. Sonali Ohri


DMC – 99064

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, HIMSR Senior Resident, HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 1.     Describe the etiology and clinical features of thyroid malignancy

2.     Describe the clinical features and management of chronic pancreatitis

3.     Describe applied anatomy of breast.

4.     Approach to a patient with mastalgia and nipple discharge

5.     Outline the role of  surgery in the management of coronary heart disease, valvular heart diseases and congenital heart diseases

6.     Discuss the clinical features of mediastinal diseases and the principles of management

Clinical Class

7.     Examination of the right upper quadrant lump.

8.     Case of bleeding pr

9.     Examination of RIF lump

10. Examination of a scrotal swelling.

11. Examination of a breast swelling.

12. Examination of thyroid swelling

13. Examination of a pelvic mass.

Dr. Junaid Khurshid

MS, M.Ch.

DMC – 112243

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, SKIMS, Srinagar Senior Resident, GMS, Srinagar Senior Resident, GMS, Srinagar 1.    Differentiate the various types of wounds, and plan management of wounds.


Skill Lab Class

2.       Basic suturing

3.       Basic bandaging

4.       Basic wound care



Dr. Sandeep Kumar


DMC – 22196

Professor & Head


Regular Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR MBBS, Lectures 10


Small teaching group with topics Covered 11


·       Benign bone tumors

·       Malignant bone tumors

·       Degenerative conditions of spine

·       Prolapsed Intervertebral disc

·       Examination of Shoulder

·       Pelvic fracture

·       T.B Spine

·       Acute Osteomyelitis

·       Chronic Osteomyelitis

·       compartment syndrome

·       Non – Union


PG teaching classes 7

·      Dynamic hip screw

·      Neuromuscular exam in CP

·      Biomechanics of the hip

·      Paediatric flat feet

·      Ulnar Nerve Decompression & Anterior Subcutaneous Transposition

Congenital vertical talus

Dr. Javed Jameel


DMC – 67119



Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR MBBS, Lectures 5

·       mechanism of Injury, clinical features, investigations and plan management of shoulder dislocation

·       principles of management of fractures of both bones forearm and Galeazzi and Monteggia injury

·       Investigation and principles of management of Tuberculosis affecting major joints :Knee

·       mechanism of injury, clinical features, investigations and principles of management of spine injuries with emphasis on mobilisation of the patient

·       Demonstrate the ability to counsel patients regarding prognosis in patients with various orthopaedic illnesses like a. fractures with disabilities b. fractures that require prolonged bed stay

M.S 8

·       Chronic exertional Compartment Syndrome

·       STOPPA approach to pelvis

·       Bone model – Nailing in tibia

·       Poly trauma in children

·       Bone model: Valgus osteotomy in hip

·       Child with torticollis

Dr. Owais Ahmed Qureshi


DMC – 46051



Contractual Associate Professor, Rama Medical College, Hapur Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR 30 lectures ( PG)

MBBS Lectures  -5

degenerative condition of the spine

Counselling of Orthopaedic patients

Congenital and acquired malformations

Dr. Arti Dewan


Associate Professor Contractual Associate Professor

SGRDIMS&R, Amritsar

Associate Professor

SGRDIMS&R, Amritsar

Associate Professor

SGRDIMS&R, Amritsar

Associate Professor

SGRDIMS&R, Amritsar

Associate Professor HIMSR MBBS, Lectures 2

M.S – 6

·       Patellar Tendon Repair

·       Cervical spine in trauma

·       Skeletal traction in lower limb

·       Tendon repair

·       Pedicle screw fixation in bone saw


Dr. Siddhartha Sinha


DMC – 57778

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR A)   MBBS classes  (TOTAL=6)

1.     “OR11.1a Describe and discuss the aetiopathogenesis, clinical features,

investigations and principles of management of peripheral nerve injuries

in diseases like foot drop, wrist drop, claw hand, palsies of Radial, Ulnar,

Median, Lateral Popliteal and Sciatic Nerves [ Part 1]”

2.     “OR 14.2 Demonstrate the ability to

counsel patients to obtain consent for

various orthopedic procedures like limp

amputation, permanent fixations etc.”

3.     OR1.2 Describe and discuss the aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, investigations, and principles of management of shock

4.     OR2.13 Describe and discuss the aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, investigations and principles of management of
fracture shaft of femur in all age groups.


B)   Post graduate teaching (MS Orthopaedics) (TOTAL CLASSES = 11)

1.     Approach to child with genu/tibia vara

2.     Approach to a child with DDH

3.     MRI shoulder – labral tears

4.     Traction pin insertion

5.     Application of external fixator – spanning knee

6.     U slab in humerus fractures

7.     Gallow’s traction in a child

8.     Principles of fracture healing and

implications for treatment.

9.     Bone model: Bone biopsy methods

10. Ankle fracture fixation – lateral and posterior malleolus

11. Seminar/Journal Club: Denosumab in Giant Cell Tumor of Bone: Current Status and Pitfalls.

Dr. Irfan Andleeb Gul


DMC – 51977

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident

GMC, Srinagar

Senior Resident

GMC, Srinagar

Senior Resident

GMC, Srinagar

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR MBBS Lecture 07


Small teaching group: MBBS: 20

·       management of open fractures

·       Acute Osteomyelitis

·       Chronic  Osteomyelitis

·       Reading an X-ray

·       Examination of hip

·       Examination of Spine

·       Examination of Shoulder

·       Examination of Swelling

·       Fracture Distal end Radius

·       Treatment of femoral neck fracture

·       Management of intertrochanteric fractures

·       AVN HIP

·       Examination of radial nerve

·       Examination of ulnar nerve

·       Examination of median nerve

·       Orthopaedic Instruments

·       Prosthesis

·       Orthopaedics Specimens

·       Traumatic Paraplegia

·       CTEV

·       Rickets   MS: 12

·       Examination genu valgum

·       Osteotomy in genu varum

·       Osteotomy in cubitus varus

·       Osteotomy in cubitus valgus

·       Carpal tunnel  syndrome

·       Case – T.B Spine

·       Case – Non – union fracture neck of femur

Dr. Muzaffar Mushtaq


DMC – 66631

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident

SKIMS, Srinagar

Senior Resident

SKIMS, Srinagar

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lecture: MBBS 9

Small teaching group: MBBS: 27

·       Fracture classification and management.

·       Shock in trauma.

·       ATLS – basics

·       Acute Osteomyelitis

·       Examination of knee

·       Examination of hip

·       Dislocations and subluxations

·       Distal radius fracture

·       Rickets

·       Femoral neck and intertrochanteric fractures

·       Instruments and implants in orthopaedics

·       CTEV in a child

·       Septic arthritis – approach and management

·       Surgical fixation of fractures – methods and devices

·       Cubitus valgus

·       Hip examination – AVN

·       Common injuries in upper limb

·       Common injuries in lower limb

·       Approach to back ache and neurological examination

·       Non-union and malunion

·       Radiographs in orthopaedics


MS Orthopaedics: 15

·       Osteoporosis

·       Biopsy principles

·       Principles of tendon transfer

·       Basics of knee arthroscopy

·       Pilon fractures

·       Case – TB hip

·       Proper usage of tourniquets in orthopaedics

·       Case – Cervical Myelopathy

·       Care of paraplegia

·       Multiple ligamnet injury of knee

·       Ankle fracture fixation – medial malleolus

·       Journal Club: The use of alendronate in the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head

·       Blood supply, anatomy, and function of spinal cord

·       Biopsy a skin lesion

·       Journal Club: . Ectopic ossification following total hip replacement: incidence and a method of classification

·       Clavicle fracture – figure of 8


·       Splints in hand surgery

·       Gunshot wounds- management

Simulation: ATLS/Resus

Dr Aakash Tomar


DMC: 11665

Assistant Professor,


Contractual Senior Resident, ABVIMS & RML Hospital, New Delhi, India Senior Resident, ABVIMS & RML Hospital, New Delhi, India Senior Resident, ABVIMS & RML Hospital, New Delhi, India Assistant Professor, Orthopaedics,



Fellowship in Trauma & Joint replacement Surgery, PD Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, India Lecture: MBBS 3

Small teaching group: MBBS: 3



Dr. Shahrukh Khan


DMC – 18434

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident MAMC, New Delhi. Senior Resident MAMC, New Delhi. Senior Resident MAMC, New Delhi. Senior Resident VMMC, New Delhi
Ophthalmology Dr. Hina Kausar


DMC – 32542

Professor & Head


Dr. Taskin Khan


DMC – 78898



Dr. Niharika Chaudhary


DMC – 7977

Associate Professor Contractual Assistant Professor, VMMC, New Delhi. Assistant Professor, VMMC, New Delhi. Assistant Professor, VMMC, New Delhi. Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR CORNEA, GLAUCOMA,LENS,
Dr. Monika Kapur


DMC – 80714

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident,


Senior Resident,


Dr. Sugorab Das


DMC – 85047

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident,


Senior Resident,


Senior Resident,


Dr. Anwara Mammel



Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, VMMC, New Delhi. Senior Resident, ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Senior Resident, ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Senior Resident, ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Consultant, Goyal eye Institute, New Dellhi.


Dr. Seema Monga


DMC – 1923

Professor & Head


Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Lecture= 15 Hours

Small teaching group lecture=16 Hours


Chronic suppurative otitis media.


Secretory otitis media & otosclerosis.


History taking & examination of throat.


Vertigo & tinnitus- diagnosis & MGMT

Dr. Arun P. Sharma


DMC – 36399

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Lecture= 15 Hours

Small teaching group lecture=16 Hours


History taking & examination of the Neck.


Abscesses around pharynx.


Dns, acute & chronic sinusitis.


Instruments and operations-1.

Dr. Shahid Rasool


DMC – 72739

Assistant Professor Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lecture= 15 Hours

Small teaching group lecture=16 Hours


History taking & examination of the neck.


Epistaxis –diagnosis & mgmt.


Acute suppurative otitis media.


Tumours of nose & PNS.

Dr. Deepti Agarwal


DMC – 53349

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident


Senior Resident


Senior Resident


Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lecture= 14 Hours

Small teaching group lecture=16 Hours


History Taking & Examination of Ear


Benign Lesions Of The Larynx.


Vocal Cord Paralysis- Diagnosis & MGMT.


Cards (Short Cases)-1



Dr. Shilpam Sharma


DMC – 80206

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident

VMMC, New Delhi

Senior Resident

VMMC, New Delhi

Senior Resident

VMMC, New Delhi

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Lecture= 14 Hours

Small teaching group lecture=16 Hours


Acute & chronic tonsillitis


Recent advances in ENT-HNS


Instruments and operations-2


Cards  (short cases)-2

Dr. Raphella Khan


DMC – 7949

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident,

Dr. DY Patil, Pune

Senior Resident SKIMS, Srinagar Senior Resident SKIMS, Srinagar Senior Resident SKIMS, Srinagar Assistant Professor HIMSR Lecture= 7 Hours

Small teaching group lecture=16 Hours



Imaging in ent-1


Fungal infections in ENT-HNS




Allergic rhinitis

Obst. & Gynae.


Dr. Aruna Nigam


DMC – 35382

Professor & Head


Regular Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR OG 8.1, 8.2, 8.7 Antenatal care

OG 33.1 D/D of postcostal bleeding and m/g of Ca Post crital

OG 13.1 (2) Conduct of labour and management of third stage of labour

OG 2.1  Anatomy/ Blood supply/ Symphatic dranaige of pelvis organs ( Clinical aspect)

OG 12.2 Anemia- Etiology ( diagnosis and m/g of Iron Deficiency  and megaloblastic anemia

OG 25.1 (1) Primary Amenorrhea

OG 12.1 Pre Eclampsia & Eclampsia

OG 28.1, 28.2 Infertility

OG 14.1 Dummy Pelvis

OG 16.1- PPH

OG 12.2- Anemia in Pregnancy

OG 14.2 Obstructed labour

OG 12.1 Pre Eclampsia & Eclampsia

OG 24.1 Fibroid

OG 10.1 Antepartum Haemorrhage

OG 34.4 Major Gynae Surgeries ( Hysterectomy)

OG 29.1 D/D of suprapublic lump and mx   at different ages.

OG 34.4 Major Gynae Surgeries ( other gynae Surgeries)


Dr. Arifa Anwar Elahi


DMC – 9154



Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR OG 34.2 Ovarian cancer (benigh)

OG- 13.(1) Intrapartum monitoring and partograph/ LCG

OG 10.1 Antepartum  Haemorrhage

OG 24.1 D/D of AUB/ Menorrhagia

OG 25.1 (2) Secondary Amenorrhea

OG 35.1 Endometrial Biopsy ( Pathology)

OG 20.1- MTP act

OG 20.3- PCPNDT act

OG 9.3 Still Birth/Intrauterine death

OG 12.1- Pre Eclampesia/ Eclampesia

OG 14.4 Abnormal labour

OG 11.1 Multiple Pregnancy

OG 12.3 Diabetes Pregnancy

OG 28.3 Principal of ovulation induction + ART

OG 35.12 Minor Gynae surgeries

OG 34.2 (2) Ovarian Malignancy

Dr. Sumedha Sharma


DMC – 22903

Associate Professor


Regular Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR OG 33.4 Screening methods of cervical CA

OG 8.8 USG in fetal monitoring and antepartum fetal surveillance

OG 34.2 Ovarian cancer (Malignant)

OG 16.2 Uterine Inversion

MCQ test ( 30 question, 15 gyane- 15 obs , 30 Marks

OG 12.3 Diabetes

OG 27.3 STD

OG 16.3 IUGR

OG 22.2. Vaginal discharge

OG 35.12 Paps Smear ( Pathology

OG 19.1- Abortions with septic abortion

OG 12.8 Rh neg  Pregnancy

OG 8.8 Anencephaly/ Hydrocephalus

OG 9.5/ OG 9.4- Hyperemesis/ Molar

OG 12.3 – Diabetes in Pregnancy

OG 14.3 Rupture  Uterus

OG 31.1- Prolapse

OG 34.4 Examination of a sexual assault patient and management

OG 34.4 Sexual Assault victim OG 34.1 Benign ovarian tumours


Dr. Nidhi Gupta


DMC – 50193

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR OG 33.2 Management of Pre-malignant lesion

OG 5.1 Preconception counselling

OG 32.1 Menopause & HRT

OG 23.2/ 23.3 Abnormal puberty

OG 9.3 D/D of lower adb pain in early pregnancy and management of ectopic pregnancy

OG 12.1- Eclampsia

OG 26.2 D/D of adnexal mass with  man of to mass

OG 13.2(2) Post dated pregnancy/ Induction of labour

OG 27.4 PID

OG 15.1 Episiotomy & Maternal injuries

OG 14.4 Face, brow presentation cord prolapre/ Trlie

OG 19.1- Puerperium

OG 12.7 HIV in pregnancy

OG 12.2 Anemia- Etiology ( diagnosis and mx of Iron deficiency  and megaloblastic anemia

OG 14.4 Occipito post

OG. 33.4 Screeing of CA cervix

OG 23.1 Menstruation Ovulation ( Physiology)

OG 34.4 Drugs & Hormone therapy

OG 32.1 Menopause & HRT


Dr. Arpita De


DMC – 1820

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR OG 34.1  Endometrial cancer and D/D of pm bleeding

OG 16.1 Postpartum Haemorrhage

OG 10.2 Blood transfusion and blood products

OG 23.1  Puberty & menstruation

OG 9.2 D/D of early pregnancy & management of abortion including Septic abortion

OG 12.4 Heart disease in pregnancy

OG 26.1 Approach to case of dysmenorrhea and m/g of endemotriosis

OG 27.2  Genital tuberculosis

OGPartograph/  LCG

OG 22.2 Infection Prevention ( Micro)

OG 15.1 Occipitp Post

OG 8.1, 8.2, 8.7- ANC care

OG 11.1 Multiple pregnancy

OG 13.1 Obstetrics analgesia and anaesthesia

OG 27.1/ 27.2/ 27.4 -STD/PID/TB

OG 15.2 LSCS

OG  12.1 Abnormal Placentation ( Anatomy)

OG 31.1 D/D of Something coming out of vagina and mx of UV prolapse

OG 34.4 Radiotherapy/ Chemotherapy/ Immunotherapy in Gynae

Dr. Dina Aisha Khan


DMC – 67445

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident,


Senior Resident,


Senior Resident,

LHMC, New Delhi.

Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR OG 3.1 Physiology of Menstruation, ovulation, fertilization and


OG 17.1 ,17.3 – Lactation

OG 22.1 Physiological discharge

OG 23.1 Puberty

OG 19.1 Puerperium Normal

OG 1.2 Perinatal Mortality/ Neonatal Mortality/ Maternal Mortality

OG 21.1 Inj/ Implants rings

OG 34.4 Oxytocic Drugs ( Pharmacology)

OG 21.1 Postpartum Contraception

OG 19.& OG 21 Contraception (2)

Dr. Asma Bashir Khanday


DMC – 98120

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, Govt. Medical College, Srinagar Senior Resident, Govt. Medical College, Srinagar Senior Resident, HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR OG 7.1 Physiological changes of pregnancy

OG 14.1 Maternal pelvis and fetal skull

OG 18.1, 18.3,18.4 Care of Newborn

OG 22.2 Pathological discharge and Syndromic management

OG 21.1 Permanent ( male) Methods

OG 10.2 Blood Products ( Pathology)

OG 10.1- APH

OG 16.3 Ammiotic  fluid disorders

OG 8.2 Immunization  in pregnancy (PSM

OG 24.1 Fibroid

OG 13.2.1 Bili acid metabolism ( Biochemistry)

OG 19& OG 21 Contraception (1)

Dr. Supriya Chaubey


DMC – 53619

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, UCMS, New Delhi. Research Officer, VMMC, New Delhi. Assistant Professor, SMC & Hospital, Ghaziabad Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 24, 12

OG 4.1Fetus and Placenta

OG 13.1 (A) Physiology and mechanism

of labour

OG 13.1 (C) Conduct of labour and management of 3rd stage of labour

OG 21.3 Contraception 3

OG 14.1 Maternal pelvic & Fetal skull

OG 23.2/23.3 Abnormal puberty

OG 21.1 Oral Hormonal

OG 14.2 Normal Labour

OG 16.1 Third stage mx & Retained placenta,                                                     OG 16.3 Case Seminar FGR, OG. 22.2.1 Occipito Post

OG 33.4- Screening Ca Cervix

OG 1.2 National Programmes (PSM)

Dr. Pratibha Roy


DMC – 12039

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi. Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi. Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi. Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR OG 13.1 (B) Monitoring of labour and partogram/ LCG

OG 8.1, 8.2  Antenatal care

OG 19.1 Puerperium

OG 21.2 Contraception 2

OG 18.1, 18.2/ 18.4 Newborn care

OG 21.1 IUCD

OG 21.1- Permanent  female methods

OG 12.6 Case Seminar IHCP

OG 22.2 Vag D/S ( Micro)

OG 10.3 Instrumental delivery

OG 19.1 Case presentation IUGR

OG 15.1 Case- Prev LSCS


Dr. Garima Maan


DMC – 18084

Assistant Professor Contractual           14, 12

OG 6.1 Diagnosis of pregnancy

OG 8.7,8.8 Antenatal care cont

OG 13.1 (B) Monitoring of labour and partogram/ LCG

OG 21.1 Contraception1

OG 21.1- Natural & Barrier

OG 34.4 Hormones in Gynaecology ( Pharmacology)

OG 15.1 Breech

OG 13.2 Case Seminar PROM/ PTLPS

OG  10.2 Iron ( oral & inj) ( Pharmacology)

OG 8.8 USG/HSG  in obstetrics and Gynae

OG 8.1 Case presentation (ANC)

OG 13.2 (2) Case presentation Post-dated/ IOL preg



Dr. Kharat Mohd. Batt


DMC – 79516

Professor & Head Contractual Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Describe the evolution of Anaesthesiology as a modern specialty

Describe the roles of Anaesthesiologist in the medical profession (including as a peri-operative physician, in the intensive care and high dependency units, in the management of acute and chronic pain, including labour analgesia, in the resuscitation of acutely ill)

Describe the prospects of Anaesthesiology as a career

Describe the evolution of Anaesthesiology as a modern specialty

Describe the roles of Anaesthesiologist in the medical profession (including as a peri-operative physician, in the intensive care and high dependency units, in the management of acute and chronic pain, including labour analgesia, in the resuscitation of acutely ill)

Describe the prospects of Anaesthesiology as a career

Dr. Jyotsna Agarwal


DMC – 3282



Contractual Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Induction agents:Intravenous and Inhalational

Chronic pain management

Enumerate and describe the principle of ethics as it relates to Anaesthesiology

Enumerate and describe the principle of ethics as it relates to Anaesthesiology

Describe the correlative anatomy of the brachial plexus, subarachnoid and epidural spaces

Enumerate the indications for and describe the principles of regional anaesthesia (including spinal, epidural and combined)

Observe and describe the principles and steps/ techniques involved in common blocks used in surgery (including brachial plexus


Enumerate and describe the principle of ethics as it relates to Anaesthesiology

Describe the correlative anatomy of the brachial plexus, subarachnoid and epidural spaces

Enumerate the indications for and describe the principles of regional anaesthesia (including spinal, epidural and combined)

Observe and describe the principles and steps/ techniques involved in common blocks used in surgery (including brachial plexus


Describe the pharmacology and use of drugs in the management of pain

Describe the principles of pain management in palliative care

Describe the principles of pain management in the terminally ill

Dr. Pratibha Panjiar


DMC – 40774

Associate Professor


Regular Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Regional Anaesthesia



Local Anaesthetics

Elicit, present and document an appropriate history including medication history in a patient undergoing Surgery as it pertains to a preoperative anaesthetic evaluation

Demonstrate and document an appropriate clinical examination in a patient undergoing General Surgery

Establish intravenous access in a simulated environment

Establish central venous access in a simulated environment

Dr. Samiksha Khanooja


DMC – 76882

Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Neuromuscular blockage & its reversal

Intravenous fluid management in perioperative period

Introduction to peripheral nerve blocks

Basics of mechanical ventilation

Scope of Anaesthesia & carrier prospectus post anaestehsia degree

Describe the principles of preoperative evaluation

Observe and describe the principles and the practical aspects of induction and maintenance of anesthesia

Observe and describe the principles and the steps/ techniques in maintenance of vital organ functions in patients undergoing surgical procedures

Describe the principles of preoperative evaluation

Describe the anatomical correlates and physiologic principles of pain

Elicit and determine the level, quality and quantity of pain and its tolerance in patient or surrogate

Dr. Abraq Asma Riyaz


DMC – 108194

Associate Professor Contractual Assistant Professor GMC Srinagar Assistant Professor GMC Srinagar Assistant Professor GMC Srinagar Assistant Professor GMC Srinagar Associate Professor HIMSR Observe and describe the principles and the steps/ techniques involved in day care anesthesia

Observe and describe the principles and the steps/ techniques involved in anaesthesia outside the operating room

Describe the principles of fluid therapy in the preoperative period

Dr. Tahir Ahamad Masoodi


DMC – 56486

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident GMC, Srinagar Senior Resident GMC, Srinagar Senior Resident HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Anatomy of Airway & Principles of General Anaesthesia

Oxygen therapy

Routine care & monitoring in ICU

Invasive monitoring

Describe and discuss the pharmacology of drugs used in induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia (including intravenous and inhalation induction agents, opiate and non-opiate analgesics, depolarising and non-depolarising muscle relaxants, anticholinesterases)

Observe and describe the principles and steps/ techniques involved in caudal epidural in adults and children

Choose and interpret appropriate testing for patients undergoing Surgery

Determine the readiness for General Surgery in a patient based on the preoperative evaluation

Choose and write a prescription for appropriate premedications for patients undergoing surgery

Describe the principles of monitoring and resuscitation in the recovery room

Observe and enumerate the contents of the crash cart and describe the equipment used in the recovery room

Describe the common complications encountered by patients in the recovery room, their recognition and principles of management

Enumerate the hazards of incorrect patient positioning

Enumerate the hazards encountered in the perioperative period and steps/techniques taken to prevent them

Describe the role of communication in patient safety

Define and describe common medical and medication errors in anaesthesia

Dr. Mahima Gupta


DMC – 70469

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi Senior Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Describe the principles of monitoring and resuscitation in the recovery room

Observe and enumerate the contents of the crash cart and describe the equipment used in the recovery room

Describe the common complications encountered by patients in the recovery room, their recognition and principles of management

Describe the pharmacology and use of drugs in the management of pain

Describe the principles of pain management in palliative care

Describe the principles of pain management in the terminally ill

Observe and describe the principles and steps/ techniques involved in peripheral nerve blocks

Visit, enumerate and describe the functions of an Intensive Care Unit

Enumerate and describe the criteria for admission and discharge of a patient to an ICU

Dr. Mansi Jain


DMC – 80970

Assistant Professor Contractual Assistant Professor, VMMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor, VMMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Observe and describe the principles and the steps/ techniques in monitoring patients during anaesthesia

Describe the anatomy of the airway and its implications for general anaesthesia

Observe and describe the principles and steps/ techniques involved in caudal epidural in adults and children

Dr. Megha Wadhwani


DMC – 75792

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, VMMC, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Observe and describe the pharmacology and correct use of commonly used drugs and adjuvant agents in regional anesthesia


Dr. Sheeba Siddiqui


DMC – 16346

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, UCMS, New Delhi Senior Resident, LHMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, VMMC, New Delhi Senior Resident, VMMC, New Delhi
Radio-Diagnosis Dr. Abhinav Jain


DMC – 2047

Professor & Head


  Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR 12/YEAR


1.     Introduction to Radiology

2.     CT Physics-I

3.     Radiation Protection-II

4.     Basic CT interpretation

5.     Approach to skeletal trauma

6.     Artificial intelligence in radiology

7.     Scope of interventional radiology in musculoskeletal diseases

8.     1st trimester and NT-NB scan

9.     Wilms’s Tumor with latest updated neuroblastoma.

10. Enumerate indications for various common radiological investigations, choose the most appropriate and cost effective methods and interpret findings in common conditions pertaining to disorders in Obs & Gynae (Part 1)

11. Enumerate indications for various common radiological investigations, choose the most appropriate and cost effective methods and interpret findings in common conditions pertaining to disorders in Surgery  (Part 2)

12. Described the role of Interventional Radiology in common clinical conditions



Dr. Sunil Kumar Bajaj


DMC – 13467

Professor Contractual Professor, VMMC, New Delhi Professor, VMMC, New Delhi Professor, VMMC, New Delhi Professor, VMMC, New Delhi Professor HIMSR 8/ year



1.     X-ray Physics

2.     CT Physics-II

3.     Radiological aspect of Covid-19

4.     Basic MRI interpretation

5.     Approach to Bone lesions

6.     TIFFA Scan

7.     BIRADS lexicon Part 1

8.     Common pediatric bones pathology ARM + Hirschsprung

Dr. Gurdeep Singh Sabhikhi


DMC – 34983

Professor Contractual Professor, SMS&R, Sharda Univ., Noida Professor, SMS&R, Sharda Univ., Noida Professor, SMS&R, Sharda Univ., Noida Professor, SMS&R, Sharda Univ., Noida Professor HIMSR 8/ Year


1.     Digital X-ray

2.     MRI Physics-I

3.     Imaging in Acute Abdomen

4.     Intracranial lesions (infection)

5.     Brief Introduction to recent advances

6.     Obstetrics Doppler +IUGR

7.     BIRADS illustrated cases Part II

8.     Most common pediatric chest pathology (Including CDH, CPAM , sequestration in cystic fibrosis)

Dr. Tany Chandra


DMC – 13899

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi Senior Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi Senior Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 7/Year


1.     USG Physics

2.     MRI Physics-II

3.     Radiological aspects of Tuberculosis

4.     Imaging in Abdominal trauma

5.     Mullerian Anomalies

6.       Pediatric leukodystrophies

7.     Recent advances and role of IR in gynecology and obstetrics






Dr. Kriti Malhota


DMC – 6623

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, HIMSR Senior Resident, HIMSR Senior Resident, HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 8/YEAR


1.     Chest X-ray Interpretation

2.     Radiation Protection-I

3.     Imaging in Pancreatitis

4.     Emergency indications and utility of ultrasound

5.     Locoregional therapies for treatment of HCC: special emphasis on interventional radiology

6.     Ovarian Malignancy with special emphasis on ORADS

7.     Pediatric Abdominal pathologies including hepatoblastoma & congenital biliary abnormalities

8.     Enumerate indications for various common radiological investigations, choose the most appropriate and cost effective methods and interpret findings in common conditions pertaining to disorders of ENT.


Dr. Subohi Khan


DMC – 94798

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident, HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 3/year

1 Enumerate indications for various common radiological investigations, choose the most appropriate and cost effective methods and interpret findings in common conditions pertaining to disorders in common malignancies (Part

2. Describe the components of PC & PNDT Act and its medico-legal implications

3 Enumerate indications for various common radiological investigations, choose the most appropriate and cost effective methods and interpret findings in common conditions pertaining to disorders in Surgery  (Part1).



Dentistry Dr. Nilima Sharma


A – 2920

Professor & Head


Regular Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Professor HIMSR Small Group Discussions:

Core Competency Topic:

1.     Oral Cancer

2.     Edentulous State




1.    Case studies in ethics empathy and the doctor patient relationship.

2.    Case studies in ethics and patient autonomy.

3.    Case studies in medico legal and ethical situation.



Oral mucosal conditions and lesions with malignant potential.

Dr. Akbar Naqvi




Associate Professor


Contractual Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Associate Professor HIMSR Small Group Discussion:

Core Competency Topic: PERIODONTAL DISEASE,  Elective Teaching:


Dr. Chhavi Jain


A – 10435

Assistant Professor Contractual Senior Resident HIMSR Senior Resident HIMSR Assistant Professor HIMSR 1.     ELECTIVE TEACHING IN 2023 OF BATCH 2019 (TOPIC- CARIOUS TOOTH/TEETH AS A FOCI OF INFECTION FOR ORAL SWELLINGS)



Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Dr. Deorishi Tripathi

M.S (Ortho)

DMC – 11523

Professor & Head


Contractual Professor ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Professor ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Professor ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Professor, HIMDR Professor, HIMDR 1.    Demonstration of correct assessment of muscle strength & ROM

2.    Identification of correct Prosthesis for common amputations

3.    Demonstration of clinical examination of sensory & motor deficits of peripheral nerve

4.    Demonstrating administration of intra – articular injection

5.    Indication & identification of common mobility aids & appliances , wheelchairs

Dr. Vasundhara Saha



Assistant Professor


Contractual Senior Resident,  ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Senior Resident,  ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi Assistant Professor, HIMSR 1.    Demonstration of correct use of crutches in ambulation & postures to correct contractures & deformities

2.    Proper positioning , use of special chairs & appliances

3.    Process Of transfer , application of collar restraints & prevention of secondary  injury in Spinal cord injury

4.    Demonstration of Spasticity ,Rigidity & Dystonia in Patients with Cerebral Palsy

5.    Demonstration of Correct Neurological examination in a patient with Spinal cord injury & determine neurologic level of injury.

Emergency Medicine Dr. Roshan Mathew



Assistant Professor


Contractual Senior Resident

AIIMS, New Delhi

Senior Resident

AIIMS, New Delhi

Senior Resident

AIIMS, New Delhi

Assistant Professor, HIMSR Assistant Professor, HIMSR






