Publications Respiratory Medicine

      1. Bandy, Shamim U Khan, Shabina Khan, Surinderpal S. Anand, Ashok Shah Unilateral

      ‘Crazy‑Paving’ pattern: An exceptional presentation of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung,

      Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 11(12):, December 2022. 7960-7964

    1. W Ali, S Manjavkar, I Kazmi, SU Khan Pharmacovigilance study of spontaneous adverse drug reaction in a tertiary care centre, Current Medicine Research and Practice 12(3)  2022 May-June 106-13
    2. Chandra K, Das AK, Banday S, Dhyani N, Upadhyay B, Dang A, Joshi S, Dudeja M. Phenotyping of lymphocyte subsets, Th 1/Th 2 cytokines and other parameters in high risk contacts of SARS CoV 2. Indian Journal of pathology and Microbiology. 2022 (in-press). I.F. 0.74.
    3. Chandra K, Das AK, Banday S, Rana NA, Arora M, Jain S, Islam F, Agarwal S, Kashyap V, Joshi S, Mueed A, Dudeja M. Efficacy of polyherbal formulations for prevention of COVID-19 infection in high-risk subjects: A randomized open-label controlled clinical trial. Phytotherapy Research. 2022 Jul 5:10.1002/ptr.7531. doi: 10.1002/ptr.7531. I.F. 6.4