Dr Sangeeta Yadav
MD Pediatrics, FIAP
Professor & HOD, Department of Paediatrics
Reg. Number: DMC- 6556

Prof. Sangita Yadav, Presently working as Professor in HIMSR and HAHC. Was Professor of Excellence & Ex Head Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad Medical College, a premier Institute of University of Delhi joined 34 years ago. Have more than 40 years of teaching experience. After completion of the Graduation and Post graduation and Residency from the premier Institution Lady Hardinge Medical College and Kalavati Saran Children’s Hospital. An active and enthusiastic member of Indian Academy of Pediatrics and made significant contributions, and was endowed with Fellowship of IAP in 2008.Have also received many research awards which speaks volumes about academic excellence with research contributions and have published more than 170 papers/ articles in books and journals. Having organised many conferences, CME’s and workshops ever since 1985 speaks of Organisational capabilities and working as camaraderie in a team. With the vast and varied experience as an expert with various Governmental and non-Governmental agencies have made significant contributions in Child and Adolescent health programs at all levels.Worked as Vice President(2021) and Jt Secretary Liaison (2018-19) of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Chairperson of Adolescent Health Academy of IAP. Area of interest is Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology with international recognition and contributed in European Society of Pediatric and Endocrinology. Awarded WHO Fellowship for training in US. I have been one of the founder members of Indian Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology. Great interest in Adolescent health and been founder member of Adolescent chapter in 2000 and its task force. Have been contributing significantly towards Immunization and Vaccinology have been member or special invitee for Immunization committees of Indian Academy of Pediatrics and its scientific deliberations ever since 1990.
Area of Interest
- Pediatric&Adolescent Endocrinology, Adolescent Pediatrics.
- Immunization & Vaccinology, Infectious Diseases.
- Disaster Management, Child & Environmental Health Management.
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MBBS | 1977 | Lady Hardinge Medical College | MCI-0737 | |
MD/MS | 1983 | Lady Hardinge Medical College & Assoc Kalavati sARAN Childrens Hospital | DMC-6556 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Professor | HIMSR & HAHC | 21-01-2023 | Present | |
Professor | NDMC Medical college | 01-10-2021 | 30-03-2022 | 6 months |
Prof. of Excellence | Maulana Azad Medical College | 01-09-2020 | 01-09-2021 | 1 Year |
Director Professor | Maulana Azad Medical College | 29-10-2008 | 22-09-2020 | 12 Years |
Professor | Maulana Azad Medical College | 04-10-1996 | 29-10-2008 | 12 Years |
Assoc. Professor | Maulana Azad Medical College | 31-10-1990 | 04-10-1996 | 6 Years |
Asst. Professor | Maulana Azad Medical College | 31-10-1988 | 31-10-1990 | 2 Years |
Tutor/Pool Officer | LHMC & KSCH | 09-10-1986 | 30-10-1998 | 2 Years |
Senior Resident | LHMC & KSCH | 04-10-1983 | 03-10-1986 | 3 Years |
Junior Resident MD | LHMC & KSCH | 01-04-1981 | 01-05-1983 | 2 Years |
Junior Resident DCH | Rohtak Medical College | 01-08-1980 | 08-04-1981 | 8 Months |
- More than 170 publications in International and National journals, Books / Monographs
Research Work & Projects
- Supervised more than 60 MD Thesis of University of Delhi both as Supervisor and Co supervisor since 1991.
- Have conducted more than 20 projects funded by various Govt. And Non govt agencies both as Principal investigator and Co investigator
- WHO Fellowship Ped & Adol Endocrinolgy 1996
- P N Taneja Oration 2021
- Fellow of Indian Academy of Pediatrics 2008
- IAP Best state award -2000
- Delhi state awards for research works undertaken 1993,1994,2011,2012
- IAP Certificate of Appreciation for services as Member of IAP Growth Chart Committee 2015
- Awarded Certificates of Appreciation by IAP as Vice President 2021, Jt Secretary ( Liaison ) 2018-2019
- Awarded Certificate of Appreciation IAP Delhi state- 2005, 2008,2018
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Life member of Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
- Founder & Life Member of Pediatric & Adolescent Endocrinology Chapter of IAP (ISPAE).
- Life member of Indian Academy of Pediatrics (Delhi Branch).
- Founder & Life Member of the Adolescent chapter of IAP(AHA).
- Executive member of IAP Delhi Branch for 1995-2001.
- Secretary (Elect) & Editor of IAP-Delhi-1999.
- Secretary of IAP DELHI – 2000-2001.
- Member of the National Task Force on Adolescent of IAP 2000-2005.
- Executive Member of the Adolescent chapter of IAP 2006-2007.
- Secretary/Treasurer IAP Adolescent chapter Research and training Wing 2006-2007.
- Executive Member of Pediatric & Adolescent Endocrinology Chapter of IAP 2006-2008.
- Chairman AHA Delhi 2014-2015
- Chairman Central AHA 2018
- President (Elect) IAP Delhi State 2006
- President IAP Delhi State 2007
- Executive Member Indian Academy Pediatrics 2008, 2009.
- Chairman State AEFI Committee 2018-2022
- Member State Task Force of Immunization 2015 till Date
- Member State Technical Advisory Group on Immunization 2015 till Date
- Member National AEFI Committee 2018 till Date
- Founder Member of Society of Differences in Sex Development 2022
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Presented more than 250 papers at various National Conferences
- Presented more than 60 papers at International Conferences.
- Invited to deliver talks at various State and National level conferences.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- Have been organising conferences and workshops since 1985 in various capacities both National and International
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Have Attended & Conducted more than 100 workshops, CME’s and Conferences in various capacities both National and International in last 5 yrs