Dr. Zeeba S Jairajpuri
Professor, Department of Pathology
Reg. Number: DMC-30182

Awarded MD in Pathology from J.N. Medical College, AMU Aligarh and have more than 20 years of professional experience in both Teaching/Research and Diagnostic Pathology, ranging from routine histopathology, cytopathology hematology & immunohistochemistry reporting including Immunoflourescence. Apart from this, I have varied teaching experience for both Undergraduate/Post graduate students. I also have 90 National/International papers to my credit in Journals of repute. I was earlier working at the premier institute, National Institute of Pathology, ICMR New Delhi, as Faculty for the DNB programme/ Research Associate.
Area of Interest
- Tumor Biology, Oncopathology especially Head and Neck cancers, Breast Cytology, Lymphomas.
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MD Pathology | 2002 | Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University | DMC-30182 | |
Dip Medical Radiodiagnosis | 1999 | Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University | DMC-30182 | |
MBBS | 1997 | Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University | DMC-30182 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 01-01-2022 | Till Date | |
Associate Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 12-03-2014 | 31-12-2021 | 7 Years |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 01-10-2010 | 11-03-2014 | 3 Years,6 Months |
Research Associate | National Institute of Pathology, ICMR New Delhi | 14-09-2006 | 15-09-2010 | 4 Years,7 Days |
Senior Resident | Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University | 06-08-2002 | 12-10-2003 | 1 Year,2 Months |
Junior Resident |
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University | 12-07-1999 | 13-07-2002 | 3 Years |
- Agarwal S, Sharma S, Trisal M, Jairajpuri ZS, Kapur S, Saluja S, Paliwal P. Role of Angiogenesis and Endothelial-mesenchymal Transition in Bone Marrow Fibrosis Associated with Haematopoietic Neoplasms: A Cross-sectional Immunohistochemical Analysis. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2024, 18(11): EC01-EC06.
- Gupta A, Khetrapal S, Rana S, Jairajpuri ZS, Khan S, Jetley S, Monga S. A Case Series Of Sinonasal Mucormycosis And Actinomycosis Infection: A Clinicopathological Approach. MGM Journal Of Medical Sciences.2024, 11: 645-650.
- Jetley S, Bushra, Ahmad N, Anwar E, Jairajpuri ZS, Rana S, Khetrapal S. Endometrial Hormonal Receptor Expression and Blood Vessel Density in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A Cross-sectional Descriptive Study. Acta Medica International 2024;11:93-99.
- D Aden, S Zaheer, S Khan, ZS Jairajpuri, S Jetley. Navigating the landscape of HPV-associated cancers: From epidemiology to prevention. Pathology-Research and Practice. 2024, 263.
- Sehgal S, Jetley S, Khan S, Jairajpuri ZS. An audit of “Repeat” fine needle aspiration cytology procedures in a cytopathology laboratory—An important quality indicator MGM J of Medical Sciences 2024; 11(2):250-253
- Trisal M, Jairajpuri ZS, Khetrapal S, Rana S, Mohroo R, Bushra, Nakra R, Khan S,Jetley S. A Retrospective Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy of Frozen SectionsCompared to Permanent Sections: A 5 Years Study in A Single Tertiary Care Hospital In South Delhi. Acta Medica International 2024,11: 72-75.10.
- Gautam S, Sangma M, Rana S, Khetrapal S, Kapur S, Jairajpuri ZS. Evaluation of Cyclooxygenase 2, P 53, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Nitric Oxide synthase-2 in Angiogenesis and growth of tobacco- related malignancies. J Lab Physicians. 2024; 16;44-51.
- 8. Kataria A, Durre Aden, Jairajpuri ZS, Khetrapal S, Jetley S. Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH) in a young female diagnosed on core needle biopsy. Journal of Medicine, Surgery PublicHealth.2024.
- Original articles: 44
- Case Reports: 46
Research Work & Projects
- Patterns Of Expression Apoptotic And Proliferative Markers In Oral Lesions
- Role of Cytology in Evaluating Oral Lesions for Early Detection of Oral Cancers.
- Co-Supervisor MD Thesis: Histological Characterisation Of The Invasive Front In Oral Carcinoma: Evaluation Of The Prognostic Risk Factors And The Role Of Epithelial- Mesenchymal Transition.
- Co-Supervisor MD Thesis: Role of morphometry in the cytological evaluation of oral lesions and its diagnostic significance
- ‘The Great Imitator’: A Case Series Of Unusual Presentations. At International conference on Recent Advances In Health Sciences, IN Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.Awarded the best paper presentation
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- National Academy of Medical Sciences (MAMS)
- Dermatopatholo
- Indian Association of Pathologists &Microbiologists, Life member.
- Indian Association of Cytology- Delhi Chapter
- Indian Association of Pathology and Microbiology- Delhi Chapter
- Delhi Society of Haematology.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- CME on Clinical Research: 16th May 2017, Research Project Advisory Committee, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard. (Organising Committee)
- CME in Transfusion Medicine-2017: 8th August 2017, Department of Pathology, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard. (Organising Secretary)
- Seminar-Cum Workshop on Exfoliative Liquid Based Gynecologic Cytopathology, 17th October 2017. Department of Pathology, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard. (Organising Committee)
- Workshop On Clinical Research And Bioethics, HIMSR, 24th February 2015 (Organising Committee)
- CME in Dermatopathology, HIMSR – 7th April 2015 (Organising Committee)
- One Day CME in Diagnostic Pathology, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, 7th September 2013 (Organising Secretary)
- Organized workshop on Training programme for Demonstrators of microbiology and biochemistry on hematology and clinical pathology on 29.04.11(Organising Secretary)
- Organized workshop on Basic Hematology for Demonstrators June 2011 at Hakeem Abdul Hameed Centenary Hospital, Jamia Hamdard. (Organising Secretary)
- Hands on training on Tissue Microarray, TMA, National Institute of Pathology, ICMR, New Delhi, 8-9th June 2010 (Organising Committee)
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Annual conference of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry chapter of IAPM ,TAPCON 2020 Virtual conference held on 10th-12th July 2020.
- Completed online course on Competency Based Medical Education (Pathology) April 2020 to July 2020 conducted by MEU India.
- Completed Basic Course in Biomedical Research, ICMR.
- 27th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microobiologists,(UP chapter IAPM 2019) 16-17th November 2019.
- Pharmacovigilance A Tool To Ensure Drug safety. 21st November 2019.
- 7th Annual Conference of UP Chapter of Indian Academy Of Cytology Held on 28-29TH September 2019
- VIIIth Annual Conference of Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy go Cytologists 21st Sept 2019
- 34th Annual Conference of Delhi Chapter Indian Association of Pathologists and Microobiologists, 17th March 2019.
- International Conference on Demystified Transgender healthcare: Addressing the felt need,held in Jamia Hamdard on 1st and 2nd November 2018
- 8th Dr V Ramalingaswami Oration Hepatopathology Meeting, 2019 held on 7th August 2019 held at Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
- Curriculum Implementation Support Program, MEU,1st-3rd May 2019
- Quaterly meeting and Scientific session organised by The Association of Practicing Pathologists held at Inspire Hall, Hotel Le Meridian, New Delhi on 15th July 2019
- Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies/AETCOM sensitisation program (9th-12th July,2018) at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard under the Observership of Regional Centre, MAMC, New Delhi.
- Gastrointestinal and Hepatology Woorkshop, SRL Med talks. 30th September 2018.
- 29th Annual Conference, Delhi Society of Hematology, 23rd September,2018 at University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, New Delhi
- VIIth Annual Conference of Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy of Cytologists,15th Sep 2018,organized by Army Hospital(R&R), Delhi Cantt, New Delhi
- Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies/AETCOM sensitisation program (9th-12th July,2018) at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard under the Observership of Regional Centre, MAMC, New Delhi.
- CME on “Immunization Updates” on 15th May, 2018 at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard.
- CME on Cervical Lesions and Management guidelines, 11th April,2018, HIMSR.
- CME on “Oncopathology-An Update”, 17th March 2018 ESIC Medical College, Faridabad.
- National CME on Tuberculosis on 27th March, 2018 at Hamdard Convention Center, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
- Evolving Concepts and Diagnostic Challenges inPathology of Luminal GIT. 17th Feb 2018
- Symposium on “Blood and Organ Donation”, 8th March,2018, organized by Jamia Hamdard,New Delhi
- 33rd Annual conference of Indian Society of Pathologists and Microbiologists (Delhi Chapter) DAPCON on 25th Feb, 2018 at Department of Pathology, Safdarjung Hospital and VMMC, New Delhi.
- CME On Women And Diabetes, 13th November 2017 HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard.
- Hands on Workshop on Cervical screening. 11-13th October 2017, Division of Cytopathology. ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research.
- CME in Neurophysiology, 12th September 2017, Department of Physiology, HIMSR, Hamdard Deemed to be University.
- VIth Annual Conference, Delhi Chapter Indian Academy of Cytologists, DCIAC, 16th September 2017
- CME on Diagnosis& Management of Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Departments of Community Medicine & Psychiatry, HIMSR, Hamdard Deemed to be University.7th April 2017.
- 32nd Annual Conference Indian Association Of Pathologists & Microbiologists. Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. 26th March 2017.
- CME in Paediatric Pathology, 20th February 2016
- 31st Annual Conference, APCON-Delhi Chapter, DAPCON,28th February 2016
- Workshop on Assessment of Practical/ Clinical Skills HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard 11th March 2017
- Basic Molecular Biology Techniques Relevant to Cancer Research, 4-7th April 2016
- CME on immunization updates, HIMSR –27th April 2016