
The Department of Microbiology, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard was established in 2011 and is actively involved in Academics, research, and diagnostics in areas of bacteriology, virology, parasitology, mycology, immunology and molecular biology. It is well equipped with the latest diagnostic, research and teaching facilities for medical and paramedical students, faculty and patients in the specified areas.

The departmental academic programs and research activities are extended to undergraduates, graduates, post-graduates up to PhD level. The students from various other courses beside MBBS include BPT and Occupational Therapy, Paramedical Sciences, Nursing and Pharmacy of Jamia Hamdard. The Department has started its Postgraduate course as M. Sc. in Medical Microbiology in 2015 and aims to start MD in Microbiology in immediate future. PhD in Medical Microbiology program was initiated in 2014. The departmental research activities also include collaborative research with other schools of Jamia Hamdard like Unani Medicine, Science and Pharmacy. The departmental faculty has published number of articles in indexed journals of national and international repute including oral and poster presentations in various National and International conferences and won prizes.

The diagnostic facility provided by the department at HAH Centenary Hospital is of highest standard and its seven laboratories are well equiped with state of the art equipment. The laboratory performs all types of Microbiological tests, ranging from routine procedures to molecular techniques. With its recently installed GeneXpert system the department is performing molecular tests and delivering results in double quicker time.

The Microbiology department is actively involved in many National programs like FICTC, HIV testing laboratory methods under NACO guidelines, RNTCP program for Tuberculosis. The Department is running a DMC Centre under RNTCP at HAHC hospital in association with Department of Community Medicine, which provides free microscopy results for tuberculosis patients. The DOTS Centre would be starting soon providing free ATT for the IPD patients. The Department also focuses on microbiological diagnosis and surveillance of many infectious diseases.

Since its inception, the Department of Microbiology, is involved in organizing various academic and cultural activities in Jamia Hamdard. The faculty members of the department are members of many committees including Examination, Medical Education, Infection Control and Biological Waste Management, SPOSH, Cultural committees etc. The department has organized many national/ State or local level CMEs and Symposia on important Health issues like Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, HIV, Dengue, Chikungunya etc. spreading awareness amongst various stakeholders.

The department has also organized symposia like “Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever” on 28th Feb 2011, on HIV in 2012, “Dengue: Fight the bite” in 2013, “Save Lives: Clean your Hand”, on 5th May 2015, on world hand washing day 2016, “Fight against antibiotic resistance: it’s in your hands”, in May 2017 and many more. The department is an active member of many social and extracurricular activities of Jamia Hamdard like International Women’s Day celebration in 2016 and 2017. As a part of community outreach program, handbook on awareness & safety measures for Prevention of HIV was released and distributed in the neighbouring slum of Sangam Vihar in 2012. Similarly pamphlets on Prevention of Dengue was released and distributed in Sangam Vihar in 2013.

Since 2011, the faculty members of the department have published around 18 research papers in various National and International journals.

Core competencies of the department

  • The Department encourages students and faculty to learn and research on infectious diseases by using innovative teaching learning methods, inter and interdepartmental collaborations.
  • Being well equipped not only in seven diagnostic laboratories, the department is also having   a well-equipped library and high end Research Lab.
  • Microbiology is actively contributing in Research, Diagnosis of infectious diseases, Molecular assays, Hospital infection control, Biomedical waste management in the hospital including providing Assistance in the district administration in periodic recording of the Communicable diseases.


Facilities available at Department of Microbiology, HIMSR & HAHC Hospital

1) COVID-19 diagnosis
a) RT-PCR for COVID -19
b) COVID-19 antigen test ( Free of cost- supported by Govt of
C) COVID-19 Serology (IgG/IgM) (screening test)

2) Molecular Diagnosis: The department of Microbiology hosts a state of the art BSL-2 molecular biology laboratory with both conventional RT-PCR and CBNAAT (GeneXpert) Systems.
a)Hepatitis: HBV RT-PCR

b) Uro-gential infection: HPV RT-PCR
c) Respiratory infection: H1N1 RT-PCR


3) Culture and sensitivity- for Bacterial infection

a) Blood Culture: Done with the help of 240 module automated BacT/Alert system, for error/ contamination free result within 5 days

b) culture and sensitivity testing for detection of payogenic infection is done for various samples like urine, CSF, pus , tissue, stool, sputum, aspirates, throat swab, HVS and many others

c) Antimicrobial sensitivity and bacterial identification is done through fully automated VITEK-2 system for accurate and quick results.


4) Tuberculosis diagnosis
The Department of Microbiology runs the government of India sponsored Designated Microscopy Centre (DMC) that performs tuberculosis diagnostics tests free of cost. The centre performs microscopic examination of sputum as well as molecular diagnosis through CBNAAT technology under the program.

5) Facility Integrated Counseling and Testing Center( FICTC)
The Department of Microbiology runs NACO approved FICTC THT provides testing and counseling services for HIV diagnosis.

6) Fungal microscopy and culture: Diagnosis for superficial, deep and systemic fungal infections is done through microscopy and fungal culture.

7) Detection of parasitic infection: The Parasitology laboratory is well equipped to detect intestinal, blood, superficial and all other parasitic infections.

8) Sero-diagnosis: The serology laboratory of Department of Microbiology has both ELISA and fully automated ELFA based VIDAS system that performs detection of desired antigen or antibodies in patient samples.

Slide or rapid card ELFA based ELISA based
CRP HIV Dengue NS1
Dengue NS1    
Dengue IgG/IgM    
Malaria antigen    