Papers Presented Community Medicine

Paper presentations by faculty under affiliation of HIMSR

  1. Menstrual pattern and menstrual disorders among school going adolescent girls in Delhi. Poster presentation by Dr. Nazish Rasheed at IPHA Conference 2016, HIMS, Dehradun.
  2. A Study On The Knowledge, Attitude And Practice About Contraception In Postpartum Women Of North India

Poster presented by Dr. Farzana Islam at IPHA Conference 2016, HIMS, Dehradun

  1. Current Status Of Knowledge And Attitude About HIV/AIDS Among Undergraduate Medical And Paramedical Students Of A University In New Delhi, Poster presented by Dr. Farzana Islam at 2nd National Conference of Family Medicine & Primary Care 2015, held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
  2. Knowledge, attitudes and personal practices of healthcare professionals and their perceived role in road safety

Poster presented by Dr. Zakirhusain Shaikh at IPHA Conference 2016, HIMS, Dehradun

  1. Pattern and potentials of WhatsApp among medical students

Oral presentation by Dr. Zakirhusain Shaikh at National Conference of Health Professions Education, 2015 at MAMC, Delhi

  1. Prevelance and correlates of nicotine dependence amongst construction site workers, New Delhi

Presentation by Dr. Rashmi Agarwalla at 2nd National Conference of Family Medicine and Primary Care, New Delhi, 2015

  1. Behavioral risk factors for CVD amongst male workers of a construction site in New Delhi

Presentation by Dr. Rashmi Agarwalla at 60th Annual conference IPHA, Dehradun, 2016

  1. Current Status Of Knowledge And Attitude About HIV/AIDS Among Undergraduate Medical And Paramedical Students Of A University In New Delhi” Poster presented by Dr Farzana Islam at 21th International AIDS Conference (AIDS2016), held in Durban, South Africa, from 18-22 July 2016.
  2. Oral Paper Presentation in the “International Conference on Youth and Adolescent Health” held on 14th to 16th April 2017. Paper titled: “Patterns and Determinants of physical activity in rural and urban adolescents of North India: A population-based study”
  3. Quality of life among elderly in a population of Delhi by Dr. Nazish Rasheed at National CME on Preventive Geriatrics. “Primary Healthcare in Elderly: Graceful Greying” held on 24th March 2018 at JNMC, AMU, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
