Membership & Awards Medicine


Prof Prem Kapur

  • Association of Physicians of India
  • Indian College of Physicians
  • Association of Medical Specialists
  • Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India
  • Society for Research in Malaria & other Communicable Diseases
  • Geriatric Society of India
  • Indian Medical Association
  • Delhi Diabetic Forum
  • Delhi Medical Association

 Prof Sunil Kohli

  • API
  • LAI
  • ADA
  • Member of the Institutional Ethics Committee, Hamdard Unit
  • Chairman of Central Ethics Committee by Min of AYUSH for Unani projects.

Dr Afroz Jamal

Membership :Association of Physicians of India


  1. Prof Prem Kapur
  • Award for best paper presentation in APICON 2015 at Gurugram, Haryana
  1. Prof Sunil Kohli
  • Swedish Institute Scholar & Awardee of Overseas Associate ship from the Department of Biotechnology.

3. Dr Vineet Jain, MD (Med)

  • Awarded Smt Meena Dhamija award  for best  paper presentation, XX Annul CME, Delhi APICON 2009
  • Awardee of Best Poster – 5th International Congress of Infectious Disease, Germany 2018
  • Awardee of Best Poster – Global Congress on Medical & Clinical Case Reports, Bangkok 2018

4.  Dr Muzaffer Rashid Shawl

  • First prize for paper presentation entitled “ Prevalence of CKD and its risk factors among the first degree relatives of patients of CKD at a tertiary care center” in North zone nephrology meet at Srinagar in 2013
